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以下警大國境所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



一、 Vocabulary and Usage: Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence. (20 分)

1.Any alien who is wanted by Interpol or foreign judicial authorities is

________ to the host country and shall be taken into custody for


(A)inadmissible (B) impounded (C) eligible (D) distributed


(A)不被允許的  (B)被…扣押  (C)有資格的  (D)被…分配

2.The government enacted stringent measures to combat terrorism and

ensure the safety and security of its citizens _________ recent bomb


(A) in the interest of

(B) in the long run

(C) in the wake of

(D) in violation of


(A)為了…的利益  (B)終究 (C)隨著…發生之後 (D)違背

3.The ship’s crew discovered a ____________ hiding in the cargo

hold, attempting to sneak aboard without proper authorization.

(A)    stretcher (B) stowaway (C) plaintiff (D) layman


(A)擔架  (B)偷渡客  (C)原告  (D)外行人

4.Japan maintains political ___________ when dealing with the cross strait

issue between China and Taiwan.

(A)neutralized (B) naturalized (C) naturalization (D) neutrality


(A)被中和的、被中立化    (B)歸化   (C)入籍   (D)中立態度


5.In the face of political persecution, individuals seek ________ in

neighboring countries to escape imminent danger.

(A) jeopardy  (B) getaway  (C) asylum  (D) fugitive


(A)     危害  (B)逃走  (C)庇護權、庇護所  (D)逃犯


6. The proposed immigration policy was ________ by the majority of the

committee members, signaling a potential shift in the country’s approach to immigration reform.

(A)  entrapped (B) endorsed (C) incriminated (D) encrypted







7.The border control officers detected a traveler attempting to enter the country with a _______ passport, leading to their immediate apprehension.

(A) corroborated (B) cordoned (C) contraband (D) counterfeit


(A)  經過證實的  (B)被警戒線分隔 (C)違禁品 (D)偽造的

8.The immigration officer used their __________ to carefully review the visa documentation submitted by the applicant, ensuring all necessary paperwork was in order before granting approval for entry into the country.

(A) discretion (B) duress (C) disperse (D) disruption


(A)自由裁量權  (B)脅迫  (C)分散  (D)中斷

9.The security personnel had to ________ the prohibited items from the passenger’s carry-on luggage before allowing him/her to proceed through airport security.

(A) suspend (B) conspire (C) confiscate (D) dispatch


(A)  懸掛、使中止(B)  密謀、共謀(C)  沒收(D)  派遣

10.The immigration officials intercepted a suspect carrying a bag filled with _______items, prompting further investigation.

(A) sanctioned (B) contraband (C) fortified (D) sanctioned


(A)     獲得批准的  (B)違禁品  (C)得到鞏固的  (D)獲得批准的

二、Translation: Translate the following sentences into Chinese or English(30分)


Drug trafficking remains a pervasive and complex issue affecting countries worldwide. Criminal syndicates exploit porous borders and sophisticated distribution networks to traffic drugs across international boundaries. The lucrative nature of the illicit drug trade fuels violence, corruption, and instability in communities.


(二) 中譯英(15分)


The issue of human trafficking means a pretty malicious criminality that threatens human rights by the international society. Though in our country, the efforts of clampdown against human trafficking are accepted and recognized by the international society, we still can’t cope with the occurrence of new patterns of human trafficking. For instance, some nationals were tempted to work in Cambodia and other countries, became victims, and were forced to commit themselves to phone fraud. That’s why the amendment of “Human Trafficking Prevention Act” was later made.

三、Cloze and Reading Comprehension(20分)

(一)Cloze Test: Choose the best words or phrases to complete the following passage.(10分)

Terrorism is a grave threat to global security, with terrorist organizations ___(1)___ atrocious acts of violence targeting civilians. These attacks aim to instill fear and achieve political, religious, or ideological goals. ___(2)___, terrorists employ various tactics, including bombings, shootings, and kidnappings, to sow chaos and ___(3)___ societal stability.

Counterterrorism efforts require concerted cooperation and coordination among nations to combat this scourge effectively. Intelligence sharing, coordinated law enforcement operations, and international treaties are crucial tools in ___(4)___ terrorist networks and preventing future attacks.

While terrorism remains a persistent threat, international cooperation and proactive measures are vital in ___(5)___ its impact and protecting innocent lives.




1. (A) initiating (B) perpetrating (C) ignited(D) detonated

(A)開始著手  (B)犯下  (C)點燃  (D)引爆

2. (A)Occasionally  (B) Sporadically   (C) Often  (D) Presently

(A)偶爾  (B)偶發地  (C)常常  (D)目前

(B)選項的意思也通順,但是唯有(A)選項的occasionally可擺在句首並且用逗點隔開,其他選項不行。若本題改成Terrorists sporadically employ various tactics, including bombings…,那麽(B)選項也是正解。

3. (A) undermine (B)underscore (C)underlie (D) undergo





4. (A) dispatching(B) disguising (C) distributing (D) disrupting

(A)派遣  (B)偽裝、假扮  (C)分配、分發  (D)干擾

5. (A) empowering (B) mitigating (C) engaging(D) retrieving

(A)授權  (B)緩和、減輕 (C)引起…的注意  (D)重新尋回、收回

(二)Reading Comprehension: Choose the best answer to each question. (10分)

Carol Miller steps into a metal booth that bounces X-rays off her skin, producing a black-and-white image which reveals enough to make her blush. To the eye, she is dressed in a suit in dark, business-like colors. On the monitor, the director of the Transportation Security Administration’s security laboratory is naked, except for a gun and a bomb that she hid under her outfit.

The U.S. government is considering using the technology at U.S. airport security checkpoints because the device now in use cannot detect plastic weapons or substances used in explosives. Miller is sacrificing her modesty to make a point: Air travelers are not going to like being technologically undressed by security screeners. The technology is called “backscatter” because it scatters X-rays. Backscatter machines have been available on the market for years. They are priced between US$100,000 and US$200,000 and used in all sorts of security situations, from screening families of convicts visiting prisons to South African diamond miners going home for the day.

The agency is trying to find a way to modify the machines so it can blur or block the images of sensitive body parts to make them unrecognizable. Another option might be stationing the examiner in a booth so only he sees the image. Some experts feel that the public is willing to accept a certain amount of examination at the airport, but there are clearly limits to the degree of invasion that is acceptable. Others, however, suggest that this device is essential because of the strong likelihood that a terrorist will try to bomb a plane.





1. Which of the following is FALSE?

(A) Backscatter machines have been used for several years already.

(B) Most people don’t like the idea of appearing nearly naked in public.

(C)A person will appear nearly naked once he or she enters the back scatter machine.

(D) Because of its efficiency, soon most of the airports in the U.S. are going to adopt the backscatter machine.


(A)   具有反向散射功能的機器,已經有好幾年的時間投入用途了。

(B)    在公共場合之下,讓自己呈現幾近赤裸模樣的想法,是大多數人不喜歡的。

(C)   一旦任何人進入具有反向散射功能機器的內部,幾乎就會讓自己赤裸。

(D)   在美國,由於具有反向散射功能的機器很有效率,很快大多數的機場就會採納這種措施。

2. What does Carol Miller step into the metal booth for?

(A) To prove that she is not carrying any weapons.

(B) It is her routine job, so she does this on a daily basis.

(C) To prove that the machine works better than a lot of experts think.

(D) To prove that not too many people like to be exposed nearly naked in public.


(A)  證明她沒攜帶任何武器。

(B)   這是她平時的例行工作,因此她每天都這麽做。

(C)  為了證明這台機器的運作效率,比大多數專家認為的情況還要好。

(D)  證明並非大多數人喜歡在眾目睽睽下呈現自己赤裸的狀態。


3.The backscatter machines have been used widely for several years at various locations except_______.

(A) correctional facilities

(B) airports

(C) diamond mines

(D) none of the above


(A)  勞改設施

(B)   機場

(C)  開採鑽石的礦場

(D)  以上皆非


4.Which word has the closest meaning as the word convicts in the second paragraph?

(A) inmates

(B) parolees

(C) abusers

(D) plaintiffs


(A)  坐牢的人

(B)   獲得假釋的犯人

(C)  濫用者/虐待者

(D)  原告

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the safety measures that the authorities have suggested in order to avoid embarrassment while using the backscatter machines?

(A) To block certain important body parts

(B) To blur the images of important body parts

(C) To station the examiner in a booth so only he can see the image

(D) To develop newer models so sensitive body parts won’t be revealed



(A)  遮蔽特定的重要身體部位。

(B)   將重要身體部位變得朦朧。

(C)  將檢查人員派駐至小亭內,這樣就只有這位人員看得到影像了。

(D)  研發較新穎的機器模型,如此一來敏感的身體部位就不會洩漏了。


Do you have a smartphone, or do you use one often? Smartphones make many things much easier. Many people around the world use smartphones every day. But some people are worried that using smartphones everyday distracts us from learning, and this makes us less smart. What do you think? Are smartphones helpful or a distraction?

To cope with the need of working, the use of smartphone is inevitable for me in this digital era. With its multiple convenient functions, we may spend several hours obtaining some entertainment, searching for the nearby locations, and playing some games that involve brainstorming. As a consequence, numerous precious hours of reading have been sacrificed. No wonder some folks begin to notice the drawbacks of smartphones.

Behind the overuse of smartphones, there are related academic reports implemented by UN. Students’ poor academic performance might have something to do with smartphone addiction, which is unfavorable to children’s emotional stability due to the lack of interactions with other classmates and the teacher. Though more than half may seriously learn knowledge through smartphones in a positive way, the other half just use the smartphone to kill time, like listening to the music, following latest trends in social software, and playing games. Now we’ve seen the problem: Improper use of smartphones has become a way to escape the schoolwork for some pupils. Once more students think if their freedom of using smartphones is disrupted by their parents, more conflicts and even emotional dysregulation would disconnect the intimacy and communications between children and parents. If this problem keeps worsening, cases involving violence in society are predictable.

So, resources of relevant psychiatrists’ professional treatment should be emphasized if more children fall into this addiction. Here’s my advice: Psychiatrists may integrate problems related to technology into their original domain after participating in some academic sessions which reveal the latest discoveries from worldwide universities. And finally, psychiatrists would find it easier to tackle the problem of smartphone addiction.

以上警大國境所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



2024 06 28 下午5.27.35
2024 06 28 下午5.27.53