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以下警大研究所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



一、 Vocabulary and Phrases

A word or phrase is missing in each of the following sentences. Please select the best answer to complete the sentence ( 20 分)

1. Officer Chen appears to be polite, hardworking and ________. That’s why he was appreciated by his supervisor.

(A)aggressive  (B) absolute  (C) accommodate  (D) approximate


(A)積極 (B)絕對 (C)住宿 (D)大約

2. This journal article _________organized crime in our city. The police should read it carefully.

(A)deals with  (B) goes out  (C) does without  (D) runs out of


(A)處理 (B)熄滅 (C)不靠…而做 (D)用完

3. In order to lay up a flexible mechanism for national rescue service, the National Rescue Command Center needs to build up its organization and establish its legal ________in detail.

(A) status  (B) statistician  (C) stationer  (D) stationmaster


(A)地位、狀態 (B)統計員 (C)文具商 (D)站長

4. A police focus on controlling disorder has been hypothesized to be an important way to reduce more serious crimes in ________.

(A) nomads  (B) nerves  (C) narratives  (D) neighborhoods


(A)遊牧民族 (B)神經 (C)敘述(D)社區

5. After the government carried out an effective policy, crime rate is on the _________.

(A) mission  (B) decline  (C) frustration  (D) merchandise


(A)執行任務,mission: 任務


(C)(無此用法),frustration: 挫折

(D)(無此用法),merchandise: 商品

On the decline意思是“下降”的意思,為固定用法。

6. The professor said that the unemployment rate moved up to 4.2% would _________ more social problems.

(A) cost in

(B) survive from

(C) result in

(D) locate in


(A)  在…方面的代價

(B)     從…存活下來

(C)     引起

(D)    坐落在

7. The chief looks cool and strict; he _________ displayed any sign of emotion.

(A) forgive (B) rarely (C) prepare to (D) activate to





(D)(無此用法),activate: 啟動

8. Captain Wang got a promotion last week. It proved __________ to work hard in the agency.

(A) world-wise (B) wordplay (C)worthless (D) worthwhile


(A)圓滑的 (B)巧妙應答 (C)沒有價值的 (D)很值得的

9. People who __________ themselves to financial stress feel frustrated easily and intend to commit fraud.

(A) represent (B) expose (C) announce (D) recommend


(A)向…指出, represent: 代表  


(C)(無此用法),announce: 宣佈


Expose one to 意思是“某人暴露在…當中”,為固定用法。

10. People are glad to see ___________ economic recovery because looking for a job is easier than before.

(A) subordinate (B) temporary (C) articulate (D) sustainable


(A)次要的 (B)暫時的 (C)發聲 (D)可持續發展的

二、Translation 30 分


Five ways law enforcement agencies can implement the task force’s recommendations

1.  Review and update policies, training, and data collection on use of force.

2.  Increase transparency of data, policies, and procedures.

3.  Call on the POST (Peace Officer Standards and Training) Commission to implement all levels of training.

4.  Examine hiring practices and ways to involve the community in recruiting.

5.  Ensures officers have access to the tools they need to keep them safe.


1.         回顧完政策後再進行更新,接著訓練人員,再進一步蒐集資料以備在出動警力時使用。

2.         增加資料、政策、以及程序透明度。

3.         呼叫POST(治安官員標準和訓練),並任命執行所有等級的訓練內容。

4.         將僱用措施和方法檢查一遍,再讓社區民眾參與僱用流程。

5.         需保證警官人員能使用工具,確保自身安全。


「問題導向警政 POP 」 是 1979 年 Herman Goldstein 教授所提出的警政策略,其確認與分析特定犯罪及脫序問題,以發展有效的回應策略。常被用來解決問題的方法是 SARA 模式,包括掃描、分析、回應、評估四個要項。

In 1979, Professor Herman Goldstein proposed a policing strategy, called “Problem-Oriented Policing ”, whose purpose was to ascertain and analyze specific crimes and issues of disorder so as to develop effective tactics of responding. The most common method of resolution is Method of SARA, including scanning, analyzing, responding, and assessing.

三、 Reading Comprehension (20 分)

Confessions have been proved false in a number of situations, such as when it is discovered that the confessed crime was not 1_______; when new evidence shows it was physically impossible for the confessor to have committed the crime; when the real perpetrator is captured; and when DNA and other scientific evidence 2________ establishes the confessor’s innocence. False confession may be voluntary. Voluntary false confessions are those in which people claim responsibility for crimes they did not

committed without 3________ or pressure from police. There are several reasons why innocent people might volunteer confessions, for example a pathological need for attention or self-punishment; feeling of guilt or 4________; or the desire to protect a parent, child or someone else. Undoubtedly, false confession may also be involuntary. An involuntary

confession is one extracted by any sort of 5_________. It is a forced confession obtained under means of 6_________, enhanced interrogation technique or duress.


1. (A) committed (B) commit (C) committing (D) to commit

本題空格在第二句的關係代詞that後面,因此讀者要從the confessed crime開始看,從子句結構來看,the confessed crime是賓語,但是缺乏主語,因此可推知本句是被動詞形式,因此(A)選項為正確答案。

2.         (A) aggressively (B) affirmatively (C) attractively (D) assembly

(A)積極地 (B)很肯定地 (C)有魅力地 (D)集會

3. (A) prompt (B) prompted (C) prompting (D) be prompted


4.(A) exclusions (B) conclusions (C) collisions (D) delusions

(A)排斥 (B)結論 (C)碰撞 (D)妄想症

5. (A) flavors (B) privileges (C) threats (D) capacities

(A)口味 (B)特權 (C)威脅 (D)能力

6. (A) reward (B) torture (C) souvenir (D) pleasure

(A)獎賞 (B)拷打,折磨 (C)紀念品 (D)樂趣

A turning point came 7________ May, when the Trump administration announced a rule that would bar Huawei and its suppliers 8________ using American technology and software. The decision, 9_________ to take effect in September, could throw Huawei’s supply chain 10_________chaos.



7.  (A) during (B) from (C) on (D) in


8. (A) for (B) of (C) from (D) by

A bars B from Ving……意思是A禁止B做某件事情,介詞為from,是固定用法,(C)選項為正解。

9. (A) slate (B) slated (C) slating (D) to slate

本句原本的結構如下:The decision, which is slated to take effect……,可以看到關係代名詞 + be動詞(which is)的組合已經過省略,而is(be動詞)後面加上動詞的時候,一律以過去分詞的形態呈現,本題選(B)。

10. (A) into (B) by (C) at (D) beyond

Throw into意思是“扔進”的意思,介詞為into,為固定用法。(本題為求文意通順而翻成“使…陷入”)

四、 Essay (30 分)

Many governments implemented social distancing and social isolation in response to the Covid 19 pandemic, which transformed citizens’ social life. These drastic changes in social patterns likely changed the demand for police and other first responders services. Please describe your experience or opinion about this situation. The length of your essay should be no less than 150 words and no more than 400 words.

    For police, their daily missions are to get exposed to a large quantity of folks. Guarding a community’s security becomes the prior duty for them, that’s why police must frequently face many people every day. After the outbreak of Covid-19 had happened, the risk of being infected from the virus became higher and higher for the police. At that moment, it soon became a great challenge to avoid being getting infected after the police face many folks.

    There is one thing we need to be aware of: even though one member gets infected, others who pertain to the same department would also fall ill one by one. That’s when Domino effect happens. The reason is simple: Every member is deployed in many teams. Once three or four members begin to show some symptoms such as coughing and fever, the entire team would paralyze, making their assignments unsettled. Once a unit stops functioning, any potential power from nefarious gangsters might arise! That’s why it becomes an issue to systematically come up with some ideas of deploying various units of police.

    Here’s an effective assignment: mask-checking. Police may execute this mission by examining whether all the concentrated people obey the regulations of wearing masks in some populated spots, such as sport stadiums, concert occasions, and some nightclubs. Of course, when dealing with this assignment, police themselves already have guarded their own health by wearing masks on their own. All they need to do is censor the status whether all the party have their mouths covered. Once a person without a mask sneezes, everyone would panic, which would cause a tremendous crisis of the pandemic. Therefore, fining has to become a necessary policy to strictly warn all the crowds, and everyone would be aware of the gruesome consequences brought from Covid-19, especially when some folks have heard some news when there’re some dying of illness during this pandemic.

   To relieve people’s stress and panic is also part of responsibilities of police, so police must try to encounter more crowds even when there are some risks of being infected. Once they master some strategies of minimizing threats of virus, they may safely censor some situations whether people follow the strict sanitary regulations by wearing masks. As a result, neither the folks nor the police need to worry a lot about sanitary or health problems.

以上警大研究所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



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