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以下警大國境所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



一、 Translate Vocabulary and Phrases into Chinese(20分)

1. Counterterrorism       反恐

2. Emigration            向外移民

3. Intelligence-led Policing   以情報主導的警務

4. Search and Seizure       搜查與扣押

5. Infrastructure           公共設施


(all international organizations)  


7. Resilience of Homeland Security    家園安全恢復力

8. Vulnerability Assessment     脆弱性評估

9. Push and Pull Theory         推拉理論

10. Refugee   難民


(一) Translate Chinese into English (15分)


To face the trend of globalization, antiterrorism, and opened mutual interaction between Taiwan and Mainland, we’ll carry out designs of equipment of high and latest technology, enhance qualities of crew, improve the capability of inspecting and distinguishing credentials, implement inspections of human trafficking ring, strengthen international exchanges of information, exchange mutual experiences, and achieve business cooperation so as to intensify the security of national borders and administration of flow of people.

(二) Translate English into Chinese (15分)

Director-General of National Police Agency Huang Ming-chao arrived at Taoyuan Airport to inspect and supervise the status of Cambodia inquiries, successfully intercepting 26 cases over the past half month. The Aviation police to hold large banners with slogans and careful inquiries to remind travelers to be alert and mindful of overseas job-hunting traps, as recent cases where Taiwan citizens were defrauded and illegally transported to Cambodia suffering inhumane treatment are frequently reported.


三、Reading Comprehension(20分)

Political manifestos: Westwend City Elections Candidates

A –Rufus Loredo

Westwend is a changing town. People come to Westwend to build a better and more prosperous future for themselves and their family. As your representative I pledge to:

•fight to improve public schooling for our children.

• work to ensure that Westwend is connected more effectively: both its transport and digital connections.

• listen to each and every citizen’s problems and help them overcome them. Westwend needs someone who represents all of our communities and not only the wealthy, who puts people before politics and who keeps their promises. Let me be that person.


B –Lona Williams

My goal is to restore full services at our local hospital and create free parking for visitors. I pledge to provide better care for the elderly and the most vulnerable in our town.

I will create jobs in Westwend by reducing taxes and red tape. Together we will help families overcome the high cost of living by tackling job insecurity and extending free childcare for working parents.

I will fight for our services and to keep our streets safe.

I will support our rural communities and local businesses.

My priority is people. My priority is you.


C –Jamar Repaci

My first goal is to press for a minimum wage of £10 by next year, and ban zero-hours contracts, which contribute greatly to job insecurity. I will join the fight to scrap highly prohibitive university tuition fees. A good education and a good job should be available to all the citizens of Westwend.

Our planet is in a moment of crisis, and Westwend can play its part. I am committed to investment in renewable energy and will provide tax credits to small businesses that engage in green practices. I will also fight to protect the wildlands around Westwend.

I will fight for fairness in government. I will work to protect our planet.


D –Cliff Slater

I pledge to be a full-time, unsponsored representative for the communities of Westwend. I will give you straight answers to your questions, without using jargon or meaningless statistics. I will maintain a full-time office and hold regular open-door sessions with the people of Westwend.

I promise to promote Westwend as a beacon for business and tourism. I will seek to reduce the unnecessary restrictions government places on people and companies. I will campaign for a more simple and transparent tax system for all.

The time of empty promises is over. Let’s bring change to our town. Change for the better.




候選人A——Rufus Loredo


• 為了我們的孩子,增加他們受教育的機會,就在公立學校學習。

• 保證Westland能夠在交通和數字科技方面,都能締造有效率的鏈接。

• 聆聽每一位市民遭遇的問題,幫助他們一一克服。Westwend需要有人能夠代表社區所有人,且這個人不僅僅有錢,還要把人民看得比政治重要,更會信守承諾,論資格,舍我其誰呢?


候選人B——Lona Williams







候選人C——Jamar Repaci





候選人D——Cliff Slater




Choose the best answer.

1. Which manifesto talks about higher education?

(a)A  (b)B  (c)C  (d)D



2. Which manifesto talks about transportation?

(a)A  (b)B  (c)C  (d)D


3. Which manifesto talks about healthcare?

(a)A  (b)B  (c)C  (d)D



4. Which manifestos talk about better communication with citizens?

(a)A and B  (b)A and D  (c)B and C  (d)C and D



5. Which manifestos talk about deregulation?

(a)A and C  (b)B and C  (c)B and D  (d)C and D



Since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, his administration has acted on a number of fronts to reverse Trump-era restrictions on immigration to the United States. Please describe and explain these polices and then express your opinions on them.

    During Trump’s presidency, Title 42 expulsion was once implemented, which restricted other emigrants from flocking to the border of America. Located in the borderline of Texas, numerous checkpoints were deployed to inspect every identity of emigrants. Anyone without valid and justified reasons would be banished immediately so that unpredictable cases of COVID-19 pandemic brought from infected emigrants from South America would not have lost control stateside. On the bright side, measures of public health had prevented citizens from panicking.

    However, after Joe Biden had inherited the power, he promised to make some reformations that used to be harsh and invade human rights. As a consequence, Title 42 expulsion was later terminated. Under this circumstance, with some of the restrictions lifted, emigrants would find it easier to cross the border between the U.S. and Mexico. Such a policy became a resource of concern for citizens living in New York. For instance, after thousands of emigrants had flocked to New York, some violence occurred. There were outsiders who decided to settle in without any illegitimate reasons, which contributed to incidents, like some police officers busted by barbarians from other developing countries. For a majority of Americans, more anxieties have been brought when the authority led by Biden continued the attitude of “welcome” when facing other dangerous emigrants.

    Based on this dilemma, we may see the flaws of democracy. Some policies upheld by Republican Party are strongly opposed to by Democratic Party, and vice versa. The more disagreements are, the harder a consensus would be built. Maybe a political form which consists of half dictatorship and half democracy would be closer to the perfection of regimes, just like that in Singapore, or even like that in China. Even if a power is added with a few dictatorships, the implemented policy without opposition might make citizens satisfied if more political elites are involved.

以上警大國境所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



2024 06 28 下午5.27.35
2024 06 28 下午5.27.53