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以下警大研究所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



一、 Vocabulary and Phrases: Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word in each of the sentences.(20分)

1. Special equipment is required to find latent fingerprints.

(A)obvious (B) hidden (C) human (D) mammal 


(A)明顯的  (D)隱藏的  (C)人類  (D)哺乳動物

2. As soon as the Department of Corrections’ recommendations for prison reform were released, the department was inundated with calls from people who said they supported.

(A)provided (B) bothered (C) rewarded (D) flooded






3. Changes in our environment, lifestyle and human behavior all help to encourage the spread of infectious diseases.

(A) infective (B) unknown (C) new (D) deadly


(A)  感染的  (B)未知的  (C)新的  (D)致命的

4. Commissioner Wang regarded budget cuts as a panacea for all the problems faced by the police department.

(A) cure (B) result (C) cause (D) necessity


(A)藥物、治療方法  (B)結果  (C)起因  (D)必要

5. One of the duties of a captain is to delegate responsibility.

(A) analyze (B) respect (C) criticize (D) assign


(A)分析  (B)尊重  (C)批評  (D)指派

6. The number of people committing crimes seems to dwindle steadily.

(A)decline(B) disappear(C) increase(D) rise


(A)降低  (B)消失  (C)減少  (D)升起

7. If you struggle with any law enforcement predicament, you can benefit from brainstorming.

(A) situation (B) meeting (C) dilemma (D) deal


(A)  處境  (B)會議  (C)窘境  (D)協議、交易

8. The laws require advertisers to substantiate their claims.

(A) review (B) prove  (C) explain  (D) promote


(A)審查  (B)證實 (C)解釋  (D)推廣、推銷

9. In the small suburb in New Taipei City, local police have implemented a neighborhood watch program that has yielded extraordinary results.

(A)implant (B) ceased (C) started (D) prolonged


(A)植入  (B)停止   (C)開始  (D)延長

10. The Adamsville Police Department’s computer system was outmoded.

(A) worthless (B) unusable (C) obsolete (D) unnecessary


(A)沒有價值的  (B)無法使用的  (C)過時的  (D)非必要的

二、Translation: Translate the following sentences into Chinese or English.(30分)


The virtuality, covertness and cross-border nature of the Internet as well as its rapid and wide-ranging propagation effects has made it a major medium for fraud crimes in the country.




The number of cross-border crimes like smuggling, pirate activities, stowaway’s actions, currency counterfeiting, frauds, and money laundering between Taiwan and mainland has culminated. Also, newer and newer manners of these crimes have been come up with. Therefore, both authorities should put aside the absolute concepts of sovereignty, adopt effective counterplots, and aggressively push forward cross-strait joint penal & judicial measures in order to achieve goals of deterring cross-border crimes between Taiwan and mainland.

三、 Reading Comprehension(20分)

The authorities involved are working closely with INTERPOL to 1_______.the movements of the gang’s money worldwide, with investigations focusing on a worldwide criminal syndicate known as Axe, which allegedly used business email compromise (BEC) scams to defraud a US-based mental health institute.

BEC scams usually target third-party vendors to gain access to business email accounts after which payments are 2_______ to the bank accounts of money mules. The US Secret Service official said: “The fight against cyber-enabled crime knows no boundaries, and the 3_______efforts in this case show how vital it is to work collectively with our international partners to execute impactful 4_______ of these highly organized transnational criminal syndicates.”

Eight suspected Axe leaders were arrested in Cape Town and Johannesburg in 2021, leading to a massive drop in the group’s activities and similar crimes. They face 5 ________to the US, where they are charged with stealing more than EUR 6.25 million from romance scam victims there.



1.(A) track (B) revoke (C) suspect (D) integrate

(A)跟蹤、追蹤  (B)撤銷  (C)懷疑  (D)使…結合


2. (A) rejected (B) apprehended (C) diverted (D) intimidated

(A)拒絕   (B)逮捕、理解  (C) 分散  (D)恫嚇

3. (A) vulnerable (B) reliable (C) lethal (D)collaborative

(A)易受傷害的  (B)可靠  (C)危險的  (D)合作性

4. (A) testimonies (B) takedowns (C) terminations (D)transformations

(A)證詞  (B)臨檢、抓捕行動  (C)結束  (D)變化


5. (A) hostage (B) tantalization (C) sovereignty (D) extradition

(A)人質  (B)逗弄  (C)主權  (D)引渡

Europol supported the Spanish National Police to take down a large high-risk organized crime network in Spain. The investigation 6______  how the criminal leaders contacted the investigated individuals to carry out money laundering operations. These activities included various investment projects such as land acquisition to develop luxury real estate projects, and purchasing restaurants, industrial warehouses, and boats. To 7______the foreign assets the group used a network of bogus companies established in different counties, including South America. The criminals used advanced technologies, such as cryptocurrencies. They were planning to purchase one of the main nightclubs and to take over the nightlife and catering sector. This is a clear indication that this organized crime network was planning to control key sectors of the Spanish economy, such as the tourism sector, and to 8 ______ state institutions.

Europol 9______the information exchange and provided analytical support. During the action day, Europol 10_____experts on the spot to cross-check operational information in real-time against Europol’s databases and to provide technical support with digital forensic capabilities.



6. (A) delivered (B) uncovered (C) testified (D) penetrated

(A)傳送、運送  (B) 揭露  (C)證明  (D)穿透

7. (A) launder (B) volunteer (C) compromise (D) press

(A)洗滌  (B)自願  (C)妥協 (D)按壓

8. (A) terrorize (B) infiltrate (C) streamline (D) inspect

(A)恐嚇、威脅 (B)滲透   (C)精簡  (D)檢閱

9. (A) curtailed (B) operated (C) facilitated (D) shifted

(A)縮減  (B)運作、營運  (C)促進  (D)轉移、更換

10. (A) immobilized (B) exploited (C)interrogated (D) deployed

(A)使…無法行動  (B)剝削  (C)審問  (D)調度、部署

四、 Essay(30分)

Write a short essay on the following topic. The length of the essay should be no less than 100 words and no more than 250 words.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Police Officers’ Work Condition


       After the outbreak of COVID-19 had taken place, police officers began to guard the borders to prevent virus from invading Taiwan. At the same time, certain areas like red light districts had been proved breaches of the pandemic, so police officers went to bars and clubs to scrutinize the process of interior hygiene. To guarantee officers’ health, several equipment like masks, gloves, googles, and isolation gowns were prepared

      When officers are deployed to spots with numerous customers and staff, despite of their high vigilance, there are still possible chances when virus are allowed to invade into respiratory systems of police officers. After all, not all the crowds obey regulations of wearing masks and getting vaccinated. If an officer encounters a customer who has never got vaccinated and is not aware of his potentially serious symptom, the police would be more likely to get infected. After this officer returns to his squad, other members would face the potential problem as well, which is a chain reaction. When the majority of members get quarantined and undergo treatment, gangsters would dare to commit crimes. Isn’t this condition one of the serious consequence common citizens might face? Obviously, there must be some flaws during the process of deployment, so the prior goal is to help officers be familiar with more knowledge about pandemic prevention.

以上警大研究所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



2024 06 28 下午5.27.35
2024 06 28 下午5.27.53