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以下警大國境所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



一、Vocabulary and Phrases into Chinese(20 分)

1. undergoverned spaces   


2. conflict zones   


3. trafficking for sexual exploitation


4. governance-type of organized criminal groups 


5. extreme right-wing terrorism 


6. white supremacism 


7. violent conspiracy theorist 


8. coercion by economic means 


9. financial control and debt bondage 


10. world capture and aquaculture production   


二、Translation(30 分)

Investigating patterns and vulnerabilities in trafficking for forced labour is extremely complex given its multi-dimensional nature that cuts across criminal activities, social norms, labour relations and the macroeconomic dynamics of different economic sectors.

Some elements that may contribute to the incidence of trafficking in

persons for forced labour emerge from the analysis presented above.

These elements include workers’ individual vulnerabilities, such as being

an undocumented migrant or lacking alternatives for income generation,

as well as structural dynamics connected with the working environment

itself, such as being low paid, labour intensive, short-term and/or dangerous. Further, some factors relate to the labour market, such as the presence of recruitment agencies or a limited labour supply. However, one element in particular seems to be a common pattern recorded in different forms of trafficking for forced labour: the drastically asymmetric relationship between employer and employee, resulting in a lack of realistic alternatives for workers other than to accept risky job offers and remain in exploitative labour situations.



三、Cloze Test and Reading Comprehension(20 分)

When studying migration and minorities it is vital to use statistical data, but it is also important to be (1) of the limitations of such data. Statistics are (2) in different ways, using different methods and different definitions by authorities of various countries. These can even(3) between different agencies within a single country. A key point is the difference between flow and stock figures. The flow of migrants is the migrants who enter a country (inflow, entries or immigration) in a given period (usually a year), or who leave the country (emigration, departures or outflow). The balance between these figures is known as (4) migration. The stock of migrants is the number present in a country on a specific date. Flow figures are useful for understanding trends in mobility, while stock figures help us to examine the (5) impact of migration on a given population.


1. (A) realize (B) aware (C) understand (D) get

(A)瞭解  (B)察覺  (C)瞭解  (D)得到

2. (A) punctuated (B) numbered (C) collected (D) captured

(A)加上標點符號 (B)算進 (C)收集  (D)捕捉

3. (A) the same (B) authentic (C) calculated (D) vary

(A)相同  (B)真實的 (C)計算  (D)發生變化

4. (A) net (B) full (C) negative (D) positive

(A)凈(B)滿 (C)負面的 (D)正面的

5. (A) immediate (B) short-term (C) long-term (D) sudden

(A)立即  (B)短期 (C)長期  (D)突然

(二)Reading Comprehension

The security situation throughout Ukraine continues to be unpredictable, with active fighting inside many cities and other locations, and conditions may deteriorate as military attacks by Russia continue in various parts of the country without any warning. The U.S. Embassy urges U.S citizens in Ukraine to depart now using privately available transportation options if it is safe to do so. Careful consideration should be made to routes and the risks of travel because Ukraine’s roads are in many cases crowded, exposed to combat operations, and infrastructure such as bridges in some locations has been destroyed. Sheltering in place may remain the best option for some U.S. citizens wishing to depart Ukraine by land have several options. We understand that most border crossings into Poland and all main crossing points into Moldova are severely backed up and some are experiencing extremely long wait times (well over 30 hours in some cases). We recommend that, if possible, U.S. citizens consider redirecting to border crossings with Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia, which are currently experiencing lower wait times to cross.


6. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

(A) Ukraine land border crossing options

 (B) Russian invasion of Ukraine

 (C) Refugees in Ukraine

 (D) New regulation for the war






7. The underlined word “deteriorate” in the passage is closest in meaning


 (A) become better

(B) become worse

(C) as usual

(D) be similar


(A)變好 (B)變壞 (C)一如既往 (D)類似

8. The underlined expression “severely backed up” in the passage is

closest in meaning to

 (A) fast

(B) fluent

(C) slow down

(D) in a traffic jam


(A)快速 (B)流利 (C)緩下 (D)在車陣當中

9. Which of the following citizen is the main recommendation for border

crossing options in the passage?

 (A) Ukrainian

(B) European citizen

(C) U.S. Citizen

(D) Russian


(A)烏克蘭人 (B)歐洲市民 (C)美國市民  (D)俄羅斯人

10. How many nations are there mentioned in the above article where

citizens can cross the Ukraine border?

 (A) two nations (B) three nations (C) four nations (D) five nations






四、Essay(30 分)

Do you agree or disagree with the border control and quarantine regulations announced by our CDC (Taiwan Centers for Disease Control) when travelers arrive in airport? Write a short and well-organized essay in about 250 words to express your own arguments supported with relevant examples


    With the worsening conditions of the COVID-19, this pandemic is likely to claim more lives as the virus keeps infecting more and more people. To avoid the irreversible tragedy of massive deaths, I would support the policy of quarantining some outsiders from other countries in the airport strictly conducted by the CDC. However, on the other hand, it seems unreasonable to solely prohibit some travelers from Mainland China. Here are my explanations:

    According to the statistics of World Health Organizations, the main deceased patients and those under medical treatment were from Europe, North America, and South America. Compared to these countries, due to some more strict and organized policies made by the CPC (Communist Party of China) government, the patients infected from coronavirus in Mainland China are much less than that in the Western countries. In Mainland China, people concentrated in many large cities, such as Wuhan and Shanghai, were strictly prohibited to leave due to the central policy to stop spreading more contagious virus. Despite of the inconvenience of residents, the performance of defeating the pandemic seems to be more and more successful.

    To me, there’s one aspect of CDC I’m dissatisfied with: The total cases from Mainland China were indeed much fewer than that from Western countries. Why would the CDC prohibit any Chinese tourists and allow the White people to enter in? Currently, Taiwan is dominated by the DPP (Democracy of Progressive Party), who has retained hatred and jealousy toward Chinese people for long, so this explains why this government showed malice to Chinese people and precluded some Chinese travelers by assigning such policies to CDC. To sum up, it is all the ideologies behind the whole operations. In my opinion, the first thing CDC needs to learn is to put aside the ideology, and let Chinse tourists to enter after they experience the phase of quarantine. 

以上警大研究所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



2024 06 28 下午5.27.35
2024 06 28 下午5.27.53