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以下警大國境所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



一、Vocabulary/Phrases English to Chinese Translation(20 分)

1. Optional Practical Training      


2. Registered Permanent Residence  


3. Transnational Human Trafficking 


4. Ministry of Foreign Affairs      


5. Critical Infrastructure Protection   


6. Human Smuggling            


7. National Immigration Agency   


8. Visa-exempt Entry            


9. Stakeholder                  


10.Burden of Proof                


二、Translation(30 分)

Evidence indicates that states around the world have toughened their immigration policies by increasing criminalization of irregular migration, intensifying border controls, and externalizing migration control policies. As a consequence, breaches of migration law are increasingly treated as criminal rather than administrative offences causing a depreciation of migrants’ enjoyment of essential legal safeguards and human rights protections. Contrary to acting as a deterrent for migration flows, harsh policies of interception and detention often further push migrants to take unsafe and irregular routes in the hands of smugglers or traffickers.


三、Reading Comprehension(每題 10 分,共 20 分)

Police departments have placed a great emphasis on reducing response time in the belief that it would increase the probability of arrest. However, several studies found that rapid response had little effect on clearance rates. Only about 3 percent of crimes are reported while in progress; thus rapid response to most calls does not increase the probability of arrest. The problem is that police departments have no control over two key elements between the time a crime is committed and the time a police officer arrives on the scene: the interval between the commission of a crime and the time it is discovered; and the interval between discovery and the time the citizen calls the police. Most crimes are discovered after the fact, and even in the most “involvement” crimes – i.e., where the victim is present (e.g., assault) – there is some delay between victimization and the subsequent call to the police.


Question 1: According the above article, reducing response time can make the police increase arrest rates or not? Describe the reason in English.



No, even the police try their best, the gangsters would probably have run away from the scene. It is mainly the lapse of time which bothers the police’s efficiency of apprehension. After all, the percentage of cases with gangsters’ victimization in progress to be witnessed by citizens and informed to the police instantly is too slight for police to manage their further actions, rescue the victims, and subdue the villains.



Question 2: According the above article, what is the meaning of “Most crimes are discovered after the fact”? Describe your opinion in English.

問題二:根據本文,“大多數的犯案往往都在發生之後才發現” 是什麼意思?用英文描述觀點。


   Here’s the subject of the sentence. Police cannot detect any potential crimes until there’s a call informing an occurrence of a crime. Even the police keep rushing toward the scene with a maximum speed, a couple of minutes would elapse, which allows gangsters to run away. After all, police are not seers nor omniscient deities. Their immediate actions are limited to some extent. Like us, they are normal, too.


四、Essay(30 分)

“Public security is more important than human rights.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Please write a short and well-organized essay in about 250 words to support your answer with reasons


    When government authorities around the world are trying to reinforce the functions of security equipment in some public infrastructures, some appear to criticize the misuse of these instruments which might invade everyone’s privacy. However, the main reason that prompted government authorities to do so is to prevent some malicious attacks from terrorists. After all, since the attack of September 11 in New York, deadly events organized by terrorists have panicked countless people.

    And later, on May 21, 2014, a carnage just took place in Taipei Metro. A young perpetrator, Zheng Jie, just took 4 victims’ lives and wounded more than twenty innocent people. Although he was immediately subdued by some people with justice, such a tragedy had alarmed people’s awareness of security system to be bolstered. Some claimed that some security checkpoints should be placed at the exits of stations of Taipei-Metro, but others are worried that their human rights would be harassed once the machines begin to explore if there are any dangerous items like knives or guns would be carried in bags. In my viewpoints, public security should be valued as the priority.

    If we travel to Mainland China, we may see that strict security checkpoints are placed in bus stations, metro stations, and gymnasiums. Due to the massive populations over one billion, some potential criminal attacks would probably claim hundreds, even thousands of people’s lives. These tight checkpoints scan travelers’ faces and detect if there’re anyone carrying dangerous tools made of metal every day. Some criticize Mainland China lacking democracy because these tight systems against terrorism are installed, but their viewpoints are superficial. What functions can human rights work if a bandit appears and aims at you with a gun? Can human rights revive the dead victims, reverse the elapse of time, and avoid the tragedies? That’s totally impossible! The role of it should be discussed after the tight system of security checkpoints are well-established.

以上警大研究所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



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2024 06 28 下午5.27.53