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以下警大國境所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



一、Vocabulary and Phrases into Chinese(20 分)

1. expedited removal  快速驅逐出境

2. U.S. Customs and Border Protection   


3. Sanctuary cities  庇護城市

4. Executive Order   行政命令

5. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement    美國移民和海關執法

6. Enforcement and Removal Operations  強制執法和清除行動

7. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals    童年入境者暫緩遣返手續

8. Deferred Action for Parental Accountability  非法移民父母暫緩遣返

9. Catch and Release  捕獲再釋放

10. NEXUS Card   芳鄰卡

二、Translation(30 分)

President Trump has used emergency powers during the coronavirus pandemic to implement the kind of strict enforcement regime at the U.S. southern border he has long wanted, suspending laws that protect minors and asylum seekers so that the U.S. government can immediately deport them or turn them away. Citing the threat of “mass, uncontrolled cross-border movement,” the president has shelved safeguards intended to protect trafficking victims and persecuted groups, implementing an expulsion order that sends migrants of all ages back to Mexico in an average of 96 minutes. U.S. Border Patrol agents do not perform medical checks when they encounter people crossing into the country. Homeland Security officials say the measures are necessary to protect U.S. agents, health-care workers and the general public from the coronavirus. Tightening controls at the border and preventing potentially infected populations from streaming into the United States minimizes the number of detainees in U.S. immigration jails and border holding cells.


三、Reading Comprehension(20分)

More than 6,000 migrants have been __1__ at the US-Mexico border since new coronavirus border restrictions took effect. President Donald Trump has previously __2__ closing down the US-Mexico border. Late last month, the administration ___3___ Centers for Disease Control and Protection authorities that allowed the US to immediately ___4___ migrants encountered at the border. CBP is expelling 80% of everyone encountered in less than two hours. ___5___, the number of people in its custody has __6__ dropped. Morgan said Thursday there are currently fewer than 100 people in custody. That’s down from around 20,000 last May at the height of the southern border crisis. Migrants ____7____ at the border are being put through a new, ___8___ process -___9__ are taken, medical assessments are completed and then migrants may be returned to Mexico or their origin country. The majority of migrants encountered by the agency are single adults from Mexico and people from the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. Migrants from other countries have ___10__ to a “handful,”, which is “very different than it was just a few short weeks ago.”


1. (A) proclaimed (B) embraced (C) turned away (D) opened up

 (A)表明  (B)擁抱  (C)拒絕  (D)打開

2. (A) floated (B) vigorous (C) quintessential (D) flirty

(A)付諸實施  (B)有活力的  (C)典型的 (D)調情的

3. (A) alleviated (B) condemned (C) decapitated (D) invoked

(A) 減輕  (B)譴責  (C)斬首  (D)喚起

4. (A) expel (B) demolish (C) discard (D) digress

 (A)驅離  (B)拆除  (C)丟棄 (D)走向岔路

5. (A) Nevertheless (B) Besides (C) As a result (D) As well as

 (A)然而   (B)況且  (C)結果  (D)也

6. (A) drastically (B) compulsorily (C) alternatively (D) consequently

 (A)急遽的  (B)強迫性的  (C)替代的  (D)因此

7. (A) accepted (B) apprehended (C) abolished (D) appealed

(A)接受   (B)逮捕   (C)廢除  (D)呼籲,懇求

8. (A) expedited (B) dissipated (C) excreted (D) demotivated

 (A)迅速執行  (B)消散 (C)排泄  (D)使失去動力

9. (A) sediment (B) prognose (C) ailment (D) biometrics

(A)沉積物 (B)預測  (C)小病  (D)生物計量學技術

10. (A) demotivated (B) dwindled (C) convergent (D) Skeptical

(A)使…失去動力 (B)漸漸減少 (C)相交的  (D)懷疑的

四、Essay(30 分)

Do you agree or disagree with the following idea? “people have to give up part of the freedom at the crisis time” Please write a short and well-organized essay in about 250 words to support your answer with reasons and specific examples


 This definition of freedom means that people are allowed to be engaged in anything as they wish, under the premise of reasonable ranges defined by law, rules, and morality. Under this circumstance, it’s obvious to find that the range of freedom has its limitations. It would be subject to some regulations under certain circumstances.

Different from the thoughts of White people in western countries, the thoughts of people in the Oriental countries such as Taiwan, Mainland China, Korea, and Japan value collectivism more, which means that the collective benefits are something people endeavor to attain. For example, when the critical condition of COVID-19 spread to Mainland China, the central government led by Communist People’s Party decided to lock down the city, Wuhan, from which the coronavirus was thought to originate. As we may see, that was the critical circumstance when the majority of freedom was sacrificed. During the lockdowns, residents once struggled for the inconvenience of strict regulations against the COVID-19 pandemic. They found it difficult to purchase some daily merchandises in the markets. Besides, a variety of transportations are out of service in order to stop the further spread of fatal virus. Such a phenomenon is something Americans and Europeans find it hard to understand. The fact is: The central government of Mainland China strove to fight against COVID-19, which had to sacrifice the collective freedom that belonged to people. At the same time, people from Europe and America value individualism, which was the main reason why the number of deceased and infected overtook that of Chinese people. The western world lacks a systematic management of controlling the pandemic.

 If the freedom is not properly limited, some critical loss of lives and properties of people would be generated, just like the outcomes of Europeans and Americans. However, if freedom aims to protect everyone’s rights of living, it has to be restrained by some extent of management. Just like how the central government of Mainland China coped with some crisis of the pandemic, as mentioned above.

以上警大研究所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



2024 06 28 下午5.27.35
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