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以下警大國境所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



一、Vocabulary and Phrases into Chinese(20 分)

(一)Advanced Passenger Processing system   航前旅客審查系統

(二) Biometrics Verification System for Foreign Visitors 外國遊客生物特徵驗證系統

(三) Suspicious Passport Comparison System 可疑護照比對系統

(四) Foreign Spouse Care and Assistance Fund  外籍配偶輔導基金服務

(五) Alien Permanent Resident Certificate   外國人居留證

(六) Overstaying a tourist visa    觀光客超過簽證期限

(七) Forged and altered passports   經偽造變更的護照

(八) Nationals without registered household    無戶籍國民

(九) Diaspora   僑民

(十) Migration stocks and flows    移民存量和流動

二、Translation(30 分)


The ASEAN Plan of Action in Combating Transnational Crime (2016-2025) is established to follow up the mandate of the 2015 Kuala Lumpur Declaration in Combating Transnational Crime and contribute to the realization of the ASEAN Political-Security Community Blueprint 2025.




Human trafficking, for labor and for sex, is one of the fastest-growing transnational organized crime markets. Twenty-one million men, women, and children around the world are currently thought to be victims of human trafficking, which the International Labor Organization estimates generates US$150.2 billion in profits each year. The Asia-Pacific region is responsible for US$51.8 billion of this market, with around 11.7 million victims.





Human Trafficking is an organized crime that researchers studying social problems and enforcing agencies can’t easily be aware of. The reason why human trafficking is difficult to notice is that victims are highly scattered around the world. Concerning this crime, there are some huge differences among the laws of different countries. Besides, when facing anyone involved in human-trafficking, people including clients, witnesses, and victims, might have a sense of shame and fear which can’t be easily wiped off. Therefore, when the police deal with human-trafficking, some regular instruments through detection and measurement towards other forms of crimes might be futile.

三、Cloze and Reading Comprehension(20 分)

(一) Transnational organized crime __1__ to those self-perpetuating associations of individuals who operate transnationally for the purpose of obtaining power, influence, monetary and/or __2__, wholly or in part by illegal means, while protecting their activities through a pattern of corruption and/ or violence, or while protecting their illegal activities through a transnational organizational structure and the exploitation of transnational commerce or communication mechanisms. There is no __3__ structure under which transnational organized criminals operate; they vary from hierarchies to clans, networks, and cells, and may evolve to other structures. The crimes they commit also vary. Transnational organized criminals act conspiratorially in their criminal activities and possess certain characteristics which may include, but are __4__:

   In at least part of their activities they commit violence or other acts which are likely to intimidate, or make actual or implicit threats to do so;

   They __5__differences between countries to further their objectives,enriching their organization, expanding its power, and/or avoiding detection/apprehension;

   They attempt to gain influence in government, politics, and commerce through corrupt as well as legitimate means;

   They have economic gain as their primary goal, not only from patently illegal activities but also from investment in legitimate businesses; and

    They attempt to insulate both their leadership and membership from detection, sanction, and/ or prosecution through their organizational structure.







1. (A) refers (B) subjects (C) applies (D) attaches

(A)指的是  (B)臣服於  (C)應用   (D)附加到

2. (A) weapons (B) commercial gains (C) tools (D) instruments

(A)武器    (B)商業上的利益  (C)工具  (D)工具

3. (A) many (B) plural (C) single (D) several

(A)很多  (B)複數  (C)單一  (D)好幾個

4. (A) as many as the following (B) not limited to (C) not as the following (D) not covering

(A)如以下所示  (B)不限於  (C)並非以下說的那樣  (D)不涵蓋

5. (A) compare (B) adjust (C) ignore (D) exploit

(A)比較  (B)調整  (C)無視  (D)利用

(二) Intelligence-led policing (ILP) is a modern approach to law enforcement. First introduced in the United Kingdom in the 1990s, ILP has primarily been used in __1__serious and organized crime. Promising results in recent years have prompted law enforcement authorities to expand the intelligence-led proactive methodology to all areas of police management as a comprehensive business model. ILP focuses on systematic gathering and evaluation of data and information, through a defined analysis process, turning it into strategic and operational analysis __2__, which serve as basis for improved, informed and evidence-based decision-making.

Two of the main challenges of today’s law enforcement are the ever-increasing complexities and transnational nature of crime as well as enhanced public demand for financial efficiency, i.e. ‘to do more for less’. The ILP model __3__these challenges by emphasizing and providing for intelligence-based prioritization followed by tasking and allocation of available resources in line with defined priorities.

By outlining clear and defined criminal intelligence mechanisms, __4__ procedures and organizational structures at the local, regional and national levels, this guidebook not only presents the conceptual ILP model, but also offers pragmatic tools to implement it. These include day-to-day policing practice, proactive strategic planning and operational action plans as well as instruments to address serious and organized crime. Furthermore, this guidebook explains how ILP can considerably complement community policing while proving an effective tool in countering terrorism, violent extremism and radicalization that can lead to terrorism (VERLT).

Criminal intelligence analysis is given more significance in ILP than other contemporary policing models. This calls for enhanced and sometimes new analytical skills and competencies within the law enforcement. The __5__, forward-looking focus of ILP also relies on law enforcement managers to know how to work with analysts and make use of analytical products in their decision-making and planning.

Thus, in adopting and implementing ILP, there must be specific focus on preparing and training high- and middle-level leadership and management within the law enforcement.





1. (A) tackling (B) dealing (C) introducing (D) countering

(A)應付 (B)做生意 (C)引進 (D)對抗

2. (A) results (B) products (C) games (D) scenarios

(A)結果 (B)成果 (C)獵物 (D)劇情

3. (A) explores (B) tells (C) addresses (D) meets

(A) 探索 (B)告訴 (C)對付 (D)遇見

4. (A) decision-making (B) emergency-responding (C) intelligence-collecting (D) story-telling

(A)下定決策  (B)回應緊急事件  (C)收集情報  (D)說故事

5. (A) passive (B) responding (C) reacting (D) proactive

(A)被動 (B)回應  (C)反應  (D)積極

四、Essay(30 分)

Illegal immigration has become a controversial issue in the recent years. As a law enforcement official, please write a short essay of about 250 words to illustrate your conception of “the methods of dealing illegal immigration.”

You can give examples, or explicate points. Please make sure that you will give a clear idea about the way you want to do


   After the former president had granted immigrants from Southeastern laborers to enter into Taiwan, we may hear some cases when some laborers ignore their terms of staying in Taiwan after the due date, or some laborers might fight other ones from another country after facing some linguistic barriers.

   When you pass through some squares in front of a train station, you might see some of these laborers gathering, drinking, and even shouting. This is one of the circumstances when some disputes and violence would potentially happen. Any kind citizen would panic and move forward with faster paces. For any officials of law enforcement, they are obliged to secure the serenity of any communities. The first step is to take these laborers to the station. Next, an official has to know who the responsible middleman that brought to Taiwan was as well as the employee who hires them. With this method, a whole story would be combined, which is to left to the Immigration Agency.

   Recently, there is another challenge for the officials. After the outbreak of COVID-19, more immigrants couldn’t get their flight tickets smoothly as the skyrocketed cost of flight tickets. Nearly half of the immigrants would stay in Taiwan, making it difficult to track down their locations. They lack a valid visa and fluency of Mandarin communication. That’s how some potential risks of crimes would turn into riots. Although temporary detention might work, but the number of sufficient flights can’t increase for sure. At this rate, the government is endeavoring to adjust some statutes of hiring foreign employees. Before the day when the perfect laws are complete and explicit comes, officials would be more effectual to cope with these problems.

以上警大研究所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



2024 06 28 下午5.27.35
2024 06 28 下午5.27.53