


以下警大研究所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



一、 Vocabulary and Phrases(20分)

1、年金改革       Reformation of annuity

2、化武攻擊       Attack of chemical weapons

3、檢調單位   Prosecutorial and investigative units

4、限制出境   Restriction on Leaving the ROC

5、北韓政權   Regime of North Korea

6、川普政府   The Trump Administration

7、併排違停   Illegal parking side by side

8、保障人民權利   Ensure peoples’ right

9、促進社會進步   Promote progress of society 

10、肇事逃逸責任  Liabilities of hit-and-run




    The reason why gangster members commit crimes is to increase or maintain the power, statement, or financial resources. In their leagues, there are some regulations about joining and operating. Also, these leagues offer physical protections for members so as to defend against other criminals or gangs. Besides, they dedicate themselves to controlling some certain locations or zones so that their defensive interests wouldn’t be invaded by any rivals.

(二)English to Chinese

Buying drugs from a suspect is a direct means of gathering evidence. Undercover drug operations, though dangerous, is useful in identifying participants in drug conspiracies. Undercover officers should be intelligent, reliable, confident, and resourceful, and have good judgment and excellent communication skills.


三、Reading Comprehension(20分)

Qs 1-5:Closest in Meaning Test: Find the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one given for each question.

1. Police officers are prohibited from firing warning shots under any circumstances; police officers are also not permitted to shoot at a moving vehicle unless the vehicle being shot at is being used in an assault attempt.

(A) When their lives are threatened, police are authorized to fire warning shots.

(B) Police officers are never allowed to shoot at moving vehicles.

(C) Police officers can shoot at moving vehicles only if a police officer’s life is threatened.

(D) Police officers can sometimes shoot at a moving vehicle.


(A)  警方性命遭遇危險時,就被賦予開槍的權力,進行警告。

(B)  警方絕不許在駕駛途中開槍。

(C)  警方只有在性命面臨威脅時,才可以朝著駕駛車輛開槍。

(D)  警方有時候會朝著駕駛車輛開槍。


2. “Law must be stable and yet it cannot stand still,” means most nearly that

(A)law is a fixed body of subject matter.

(B)law must adapt itself to changing conditions.

(C)law is a poor substitute for justice.

(D)the true administration of justice is the firmest pillar of good government.


(A)  在主題當中,法律擁有固定的實體。

(B)  法律必須與時俱進。

(C)  用法律替代正義很差勁。

(D)  真正的司法行政,是良好政府最堅定的支柱。


3. We must remember what happened in the past so that it will never happen again.

(A) If we could remember the past, it would not happen again.

(B) In order not to repeat the past, we should certainly not forget what happened then.

(C) Since we all tend to forget what happened in the past, we do the same mistakes again.

(D) Those who couldn’t remember what happened in the past were more likely to repeat it.


(A)  如果我們記得過去,未來就不會再發生。

(B)  為了不重蹈覆轍,我們當然不該忘記當時發生了什麼事。




4. Because of his innocent face, it is difficult even today to believe he was a criminal although it had been certainly proven.

(A) Today it is possible to understand why people didn’t want to believe that he was guilty as he had an innocent face.

(B) If it had been proven that he was guilty, they would believe that he was a criminal.

(C) It doesn’t necessarily mean that criminals can’t have an innocent look.

(D) Despite the fact that he was proven to be a criminal, his innocent face makes it difficult to believe that.


(A)  由於一個人擁有無辜的面孔,今日要我明白大家不願相信他有罪的原因,也是有可能的。

(B)  如果當時已經證明他有罪,他們早就相信他是罪犯了。

(C)  罪犯不儘然有無辜的面孔。

(D)  雖然已經證明他是罪犯,他無辜的面孔卻叫人難以相信這一點。


5. French is the only language other than English spoken on five continents.

(A) French and English are the only languages that are spoken on five continents.

(B) French and English are spoken widely in official and commercial circles.

(C) Before English, French was the only language spoken on five continents.

(D) Worldwide, French is the most widely taught second language after English.


(A)  法文和英文,都是五大洲唯二有人說的語言。

(B)  大家很常拿法文和英文作為官方和商業圈的口述語言。

(C)  法文是五大洲當中唯一有人說的語言,之後才是英文。

(D)  在全世界,法文是作為第二外語教授的語言,其最廣泛的程度僅次於英文。

Qs 6-10: Based on the passage below, answer the questions that follow it.


Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) grew out of the concept of defensible space developed by an architect and urban planner. Sometimes referred to as designing out crime, it has become an important tool for police in assisting communities in crime prevention efforts. The theory is based on the belief that design of the physical environment can create opportunities for people to come together and at the same time can remove the opportunity for criminals to act freely. It does this by concentrating on a facility’s design, landscaping, and security technology, including a combination of security and police personnel, to create a series of preventive measures that combine to reduce problems or disruptions to a facility. These same preventive measures are meant to provide a sense of confidence to the public that a location is secure.

CPTED is most cost-effective when included in original design plans because this saves the costs associated with renovating or moving existing facilities. An example of a CPTED-based renovation in a mall or a transit facility would be moving the payment area of a parking lot where crimes have occurred closer to where it can be seen by general users or by the facility’s security officer. In this case, the placement of the payment area increases safety through the environmental decision of moving it into a safer area. The same example in a new facility would require someone with knowledge of CPTED principles considering the placement of the payment area during the design phase so as to prevent having to move it later.

藉著設計環境防範犯罪(CPTED), 正是由建築師和都市計劃人員構思了可防衛空間後,因而間接衍生的觀念,有時候也有設計犯罪的意思。警方為了努力防範犯罪,因此他們在社區中進行協助的時候,就會將CPTED作為工具。有個理論是這麽說的:物理環境能夠創造人們集結的機會,同時也摒除罪犯自由犯罪的機會,這就是大家相信的論點。相關設施的設計格局、景觀美化、以及安全科技,都成為這種觀念特別著重的部分,還包括另外一點:那就是治安和警力人員的結合,此種目的是要創造一連串的犯罪防範措施,且這些措施經過結合之後,該設施的種種問題或者干擾都能夠減少。


6. According to the passage, police departments are most likely to use CPTED when

(A)helping communities develop crime prevention strategies.

(B)looking for car thieves on city streets.

(C)designing new police stations.

(D)all of the above.


(A)  幫助社區構思策略,以防範犯罪。

(B)  在城市街區中尋找偷車賊。

(C)  設計新式的派出所。

(D)  以上皆是。

7. The passage states that CPTED was developed by

(A)police community relations units.

(B)parking lot developers.

(C)a master builder and municipal planner.

(D)private security directors.


(A)  警方社區關係單位

(B)  停車位的設計者

(C)  建築大師和城市規劃師

(D)  私人安保主任

8. Based on the passage, CPTED would be least useful when

(A)renovating a suburban train station.

(B)renovating a shopping mall.

(C)renovating a private residence.

(D)renovating a public-access interior courtyard in a museum.


(A)  裝潢郊區火車站的時候。

(B)  裝潢購物中心的時候。

(C)  裝潢私人住宅的時候。

(D)  在博物館中裝潢有公共通道的內部庭院的時候。

9. According to the passage, CPTED is most cost-effective

(A)in renovations.

(B)in new construction.

(C)when combined with other uniformed patrol tactics.

(D)when combined with plainclothes patrol tactics.


(A)  在經過裝潢的建築物。

(B)   在新建築中。

(C)  和制服警察巡邏戰術結合在一起的時候。

(D)  和便衣警察巡邏戰術結合在一起的時候。

10. As a police officer, you would most likely be expected to have a knowledge of CPTED as a

(A)homicide detective.

(B)crime prevention officer.

(C)crime scene investigator.

(D)stationhouse sergeant.


(A)  負責他殺案的刑警。

(B)  負責犯罪預防的警察。

(C)  犯罪現場調查人員。

(D)  車站的警佐。


Write an essay on the topic: Stress Management in Law Enforcement

No job is immune from stress, but for the law enforcement officer, the strains and tensions experienced at work are unique, often extreme, and sometimes unavoidable.

In your opinion, how to tackle this work-related stress? Write an essay on this issue.


    It’s astonishing to hear that the number of officers who have commit suicide has reached at least fifty. According to some statistical analysis, these reasons could be related to some pressures from their superiors and the complexity of their duties. And here are some facts:

    Longer working hours is the first factor that accumulated pressures to officers. When the superior assigns numerous tasks to grass-root officers, all they have to do is devote themselves to accomplishing every assignment within the finite hours. For some of them, if they neglect a small mistake or lag behind in their job performance, they would be scolded or verbally bullied by their superiors. In my point of view, the higher level of requirement of job performance might contribute to the pessimism of officers. Therefore, a set of system involving psychological counseling should be fully developed as early as possible.

    To help officers establish a positive mind, some sessions to relieve officers’ burdens should be come up with by several professionals with the background of psychology. These themes and contents of sessions should include pressure adjustment, interpersonal relationships, self-injury prevention, emotion management, and so on. After these sessions are introduced and activated, superiors of every station should be required to care for grass-root officers. By understanding their current mental status related to family and interactions with coworkers, superiors would be more likely to win the subordinates’ trust and loyalty. That’s how effective communication and leadership begin to work! If there are some signs of showing negative emotions from the subordinates, counsellors should offer sufficient encouragement and sympathy for them. Next, social support should be given, and tracking their mental status monthly is necessary.

    If these steps are implemented, officers would be more likely to cherish their lives and embrace the passion of this job.

以上警大研究所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



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