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以下三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析,高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫


112年三等警察特考 專業英文完整解析

一、英文簡報文稿(25 分)

請寫一篇關於預防酒駕的兩段式英文簡報文稿,約 200 字。在第一段中,說明酒後駕車發生的原因。在第二段中,說服公眾酒後不開車,以及說明你心目中理想的酒駕處罰方式。


Whenever a car crash happens, everyone wouldn’t easily tolerate the deed made by the drunken driver, especially when there are a few who get heavily injured or killed. Being negatively affected by the alcohol, the brain of the driver lacks the capacity of judgement and attention. Innocent pedestrians lose their lives after getting hit when the rational state of the drunken driver is dominated by the alcohol, That’s why the possibility of collisions is extremely high after the driver starts to drive.

    Due to the above problem, it becomes imperative for traffic officers to enforce the law when they deal with cases involved in drunken driving. The are some feasible ways to dissuade people from drinking. For example, police may cooperate with physicians and spread the physical concepts by making posters with detailed illustrations and impressive warnings. After these posters disseminate these ideas, people would be aware of the severe consequences in the respect of physical health, such as dementia, brain atrophy, and the worst——liver cancer. As for the effective resolution, lowered criteria of alcohol testing should be carried out. The original figure to judge if a driver is drunk should be lowered from 15% to 7%. And the term of imprisonment should be lengthened as a warning. With these feasible measures, no drivers would risk being punished by law while being drunk.

二、 測驗題部分(30 分)

41 The police got a(n) ______call that said money was being stolen from a local bank.

(A)anonymous (B) collect (C) deficient (D) ancient


(A)  匿名的 (B)收集 (C)不足的 (D)古代的

42 Elder abuse can take on various forms, including economic exploitation, physical and emotional abuse, as well as neglect. Sadly, those who commit elder abuse or ______of elder abuse may be family members.

(A) pathologists(B) pedestrians(C) perpetrators(D) prostitutes


(A)病原學家 (B)行人 (C)作惡者 (D)妓女

43 The goal of airport security is to safeguard passengers, crew, and staff by _______for forbidden items and preventing acts of terrorism, hijacking, and other criminal activities that could endanger the safety of air travel.

(A)   bribing (B) pirating (C) conveying (D) screening


(A)賄賂 (B)剽竊 (C)傳達 (D)篩查

44 In that country, for sentences in excess of four years, prisoners are eligible to be released on ______after serving one-third of their sentences.

(A)   misdemeanor (B) parole (C) dichotomy (D) penalty


(A)輕罪 (B)保釋 (C)二分法 (D)處罰

45 ______ is a criminal charge involving violence, so the prosecution takes it very seriously, especially if a weapon is involved or it results in injury.

(A)  Penalty (B) Assault (C) Dissonance (D) Fracture


(A)處罰 (B)襲擊 (C)不和諧音 (D)骨折

46 To prevent identity theft, you should regularly monitor your credit reports and financial statements to detect any _______or suspicious activity.

(A)  credible (B) legitimate (C) impeccable (D) unauthorized


(A)可信的 (B)合法的 (C)無可挑剔的 (D)未經授權的

47 While driving home from a party last night, I was stopped by the police and asked to take a breathalyzer test. Since I had only consumed orange juice at the party, my breath alcohol _______was normal.

(A) acceleration(B) concentration(C) disinfectant(D) intolerance


(A)加速 (B)濃度 (C)消毒劑 (D)無法忍受

48 The government is being warned about a network of criminals carrying out a sophisticated system of credit card ________.

(A)   treason (B) rectitude (C) fraud (D) continence


(A)叛國罪 (B)正直 (C)詐騙 (D)自我克制

49 The court ordered the convicted woman to make ________to the family that she had done so much harm to.

(A)   simulations (B) reparations (C) conventions (D) incursions


(A)模擬 (B)補償 (C)大會 (D)入侵

50 The Taiwanese government has implemented new laws that prohibit the production, sale, and importation of e-cigarettes. The legal age for smoking has also been raised from 18 to 20 to curb young people’s ________addiction.

(A)   cocaine (B) ecstasy (C) heroin (D) nicotine


(A)古柯鹼 (B)狂喜 (C)海洛因 (D)尼古丁

請依下文回答第 51 題至第 55 題

The Customs Administration’s canine division last year helped customs officers 51____758kg of illegal drugs, which were valued at NT$330 million (US$11.86 million). Most of the narcotics detected by sniffer dogs were ketamine, the agency said. Taiwan has 37 detection dogs, with each dog working with one dog handler. Detection dogs are put 52____duty whenever high-risk flights arrive, and they must finish 53____the luggage in about 10 minutes, it added. With the establishment of the Maritime Express Consignments Clearance service at the Keelung Customs Office and the construction of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport’s Terminal 3 expected to be completed in 2026, the center said it is aiming to expand the canine division from 37 to 44 sniffer dogs by 2025.

The center said that its main task in the next few years is to train more Labradors to find tobacco, narcotics or explosives 54____the Military Police Command, the National Fire Agency, the National Police Agency, the Bureau of Animal and Plant Inspection and Quarantine, and other agencies. The success rate of training Labrador puppies to become detection dogs has reached more than 20 percent, as puppies born from second-generation dams tend to be stronger and healthier, it said. As the 55____of puppies is expected to double in the next three years, people living south of Taoyuan or north of Yunlin County are encouraged to become foster families of puppies, the center said, adding that companies in central Taiwan can offer facilities for puppy training.



51 (A) intercept (B) intrigue (C) impact (D) imply

(A)攔截 (B)吸引 (C)衝擊 (D)暗示

52 (A) by (B) with (C) on (D) in

(A)(無此用法) (B)(無此用法) (C)執勤 (D)(無此用法)

On duty意思是“執勤”,為固定用法。

53 (A) to sniff (B) sniff (C) sniffed (D) sniffing


54(A) on behalf of(B) regardless of(C) insomuch as(D) in spite of

(A)代表 (B)不顧 (C)既然 (D)儘管

55 (A) volume (B) number (C) latitude (D) length

(A)體積 (B)數量 (C)緯度 (D)長度

請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題

With so many people crossing borders every day, how do we know we’re not letting dangerous people into our countries? One response is biometric identification technology. It has been developed to recognize individuals and to identify criminals. In fact, biometric identification is not a new invention. Law enforcement agencies have been using photographs and fingerprints as biometric identifiers since the late 19th century. Today, biometric identification technology, including both physiological and behavioral biometrics, has become increasingly prevalent as a means of enhancing security and protecting individuals’ interests.

Physiological biometrics, such as fingerprints and facial features, use human morphology to identify or recognize individuals. Besides fingerprint scanners, there are software programs that identify faces, palms, and irises. Scanning these physical features ensures that the person being scanned is who he or she claims to be. Unlike personal identification numbers, which are used to access bank accounts, biometric identifiers are extremely difficult, if not impossible, for criminals to steal.

Behavioral biometrics can also be used to identify people. Certain behaviors are unique to individuals, such as their speech or the way they type. The classic behavioral biometric marker is a person’s signature, but it can be problematic as it can be copied. However, people do automatically recognize subtleties in the way a person speaks, such as intonation and regional accents. Typing patterns, likewise, would be very difficult to observe and mimic convincingly.

Biometrics can have two potential applications: identification and identity verification. Identification uses biometric information to discover the identity of an unknown person. DNA evidence has joined fingerprints as a common tool of law enforcement for this purpose. Today, we use passports to verify our identity when crossing borders, but passports can be stolen or forged. An effective biometric identification system would be difficult to fool. Because of this, many countries are considering biometric additions to or replacements of existing identification system. India, for instance, has already implemented such a system, which utilizes fingerprint and iris scans, in addition to photographs.

While biometric identification technology shows promise in various applications, there are ethical concerns surrounding the development of biometric identification technology. Critics worry about the possibility of criminal uses of the technology, as legitimate organizations can use biometric scanners to verify personal information. And civil liberties advocates are concerned about the potential for abuse by authorities. Therefore, policymakers will need to balance security and law enforcement against personal freedom and privacy. Ethical considerations must be taken into account when developing biometric identification technology.






56 What is the main idea of this passage?

(A) The ethical problems with biometric identification.

(B) Biometric identification, its uses, and its challenges.

(C) Biometric identification and its history in law enforcement.

(D) The difference between physiological and behavioral biometrics.


(A)  生物識別技術帶來的倫理問題

(B)   生物識別技術的用途和挑戰

(C)  生物識別技術,以及警察拿去作為執法用途的歷史

(D)  生理學方面,以及行為方面的生物識別之間的區別

57 According to the passage, which of the following can be scanned as a physiological biometric identifier?

(A) Bank accounts.

(B) Brain waves.

(C) Palms and irises.

(D) Speaking speed.


(A)  銀行賬戶(B)   腦波(C)  手掌和虹膜(D)  語速

58 According to the passage, what is a traditional behavioral biometric marker?

(A) Signatures.

(B) Facial features.

(C) Regional accents.

(D) Typing patterns.


(A)簽名 (B)面部特徵 (C)地區口音 (D)打字模式

59 What does the word “forged” mean? 

(A)  built (B) faked (C) missed (D) shaped


(A)建造 (B)捏造 (C)錯過 (D)塑造

60 Which ethical concern about biometric identification technology is NOT mentioned in the passage?

(A) The potential for illicit usage.

(B) The likelihood of misuse by authorities.

(C) The dispute over India’s disregard for civil liberties.

(D) The balance between ensuring security and protecting personal privacy


(A)  這項技術可能被拿去作為非法用途。

(B)   政府當局可能會拿去濫用。

(C)  印度無視人民自由後,所引來的爭論。

(D)  確保安全以及保護個人隱私之間的平衡性。

以上三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



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