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以下三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析,高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫


111年三等警察特考 專業英文完整解析

甲、申論題部分:(25 分)

一、英譯中:(10 分)

Not until the late 19th century did imprisonment become the most common penalty for most crimes. This resulted in great part from the work of criminologists who persuaded society against the uselessness of other punishments.


二、中譯英:(15 分)


Traditionally, people were taught to work hard so that they would succeed. But in fact, those who were happy in the beginning are more likely to succeed easier. Those who were unhappy are more likely to fail.

乙、測驗題部分:(75 分)

41.The Ministry of Justice launched three mobile units outfitted with forensic imaging systems to better support prosecutors and police investigations. The truck can go wherever needed for post-_____examinations, and the new scanning devices provide better-quality images, helping solve criminal cases and providing easy access to digital data for presentation at court hearings.

(A) trauma (B) perseverance (C) penetration (D) mortem


(A)創傷 (B)毅力 (C)穿透 (D)屍體檢驗

42.On April 16, Kaohsiung’s police bureau clarified the origins of footage showing police shooting a mobster dead in a recent disinformation video that has been widely circulating on social media. The police repeated their request that the public _____ from sharing this video so as not to cause undue panic in the community.

(A) integrate (B) counterfeit (C) refrain (D) substitute


(A)整合 (B)贗品 (C)避免 (D)替代

43.The man accused of shooting 10 people on a Brooklyn subway train was arrested on Wednesday and charged with a federal terrorism offense after the suspect called police to come get him. Frank James, 62, was taken into _____ about 30 hours after the violence on a rush-hour train, which left people around the city on edge.

(A) transformation (B) accommodation (C) custody (D) influx


(A)變成 (B)住宿 (C)拘留 (D)湧入
44.Tainan police began to search for Chang after the prosecutors’ office issued a warrant for his arrest. Chang, a former elementary-school teacher from Tainan, who was convicted of sexually_____ one of his students, had been wanted, after he failed to hand himself over to the authorities to start serving his prison sentence.

(A) supervising (B) banishing (C) lingering (D) assaulting


(A)監督 (B)放逐 (C)徘徊 (D)侵害
45.Taichung police reported a physical _____ between scooter riders who tried to cross Dajia River Bridge while the Dajia Matsu procession was also crossing.

(A) condemn (B) altercation (C) sanction (D) velocity


(A)譴責 (B)衝突 (C)批准 (D)速度
46.The Ciaotou District Court has sentenced a farmer to one year and four months in prison and fined him NT$30,000 for modifying an airsoft gun to make it more dangerous. The collegiate bench ruled that the farmer’s_____ was minor and handed down a lighter punishment.

(A) transaction (B) announcement (C) infraction (D) mutation


(A)交易 (B)宣佈 (C)觸發行為 (D)突變
47.For a domestic violence incident, if a police officer has probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed, the officer must attempt to identify and arrest the _____.

(A) jury (B) perpetrator (C) plaintiff (D) victim


(A)陪審團 (B)歹徒 (C)原告 (D)受害者
48._______reporting of any suspicious activity to the Police Department can help us prevent further crimes, apprehend the suspects and provide accurate data for federally mandated statistical reporting.

(A) Hesitating (B) Violent (C) Prompt (D) Delayed


(A)猶豫的 (B)暴力的 (C)即使 (D)延誤的
49.A person who ______a minor under the age of twenty to leave his or her family or guardian, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for no more than three years.

(A) counterfeits (B) forges (C) inspects (D) abducts


(A)贗品 (B)偽造 (C)檢視 (D)綁架 
50.Laos police have seized a record haul of illicit drugs in the Golden Triangle region. More than 55 million methamphetamine tablets and over 1.5 tons of crystal methamphetamine were _______by Laos police.

(A) accused (B) served (C) appealed (D) intercepted


(A)指控 (B)服侍 (C)呼籲,訴諸 (D)攔截

51.Anyone filing a false police report may be prosecuted under _______ accusation section of the Criminal Code.

(A) mutual (B) benevolent (C) compassionate (D) malicious


(A)互相 (B)仁慈的 (C)體貼的 (D)惡意

請依下文回答第 52 題至第 54題

Mark Karpeles, arrested in Japan after his bitcoin exchange collapsed from massive hacking, is starting a new business around the same computer technology that    52    his legal troubles. Karpeles told reporters that he wants to make Japan a global leader in blockchain, the technology behind virtual money like bitcoin. The 34-year-old Frenchman   53   embezzlement and fraud allegations in March, but is appealing a conviction for manipulating electronic data. Karpeles was arrested in 2015, and spent 11 months   54   . Karpeles received a suspended sentence, meaning he is not serving jail time. Prosecutors had demanded 10 years in prison. His lawyer Nobuyasu Ogata said the verdict highlights legal uncertainties in the new area of cryptocurrency crime.


52.(A) filtered out (B) referred to (C) indulged in (D) led to

(A)過濾掉 (B)提到 (C)沉溺於 (D)導致了
53.(A) was deprived of (B) was cleared of (C) was composed of (D) was trespassed on

(A)被…剝奪 (B)被洗清,被清潔 (C)由…組成 (D)被…越過
54.(A) in detention (B) for the motion (C) in response (D) in this case

(A)被拘留 (B)無此用法。motion:移動 (C)回應 (D)這樣的話

請依下文回答第 55 題至第 58 題:

The Legislative Yuan passed an amendment that reduces the minimum prison sentence for growing marijuana for personal use from five years to one year and lowered the fine from NT$5 million to NT$1 million. Before the change in the law was made, the Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act (毒品危害防制條例) stipulated that people  55   guilty of cultivating marijuana with “intentions to supply for manufacturing narcotics” faced a minimum sentence of five years in prison and could also result in a fine of up to NT$5 million. However, because the cultivation of cannabis covers a wide range, Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 790 in 2020 ruled that the penalties for growing marijuana for personal use failed to meet the principle of proportional punishment   56   stipulated in the Constitution. Citing the ruling, the Cabinet in March 2021 proposed a revision to the act to impose appropriate punishment for planting marijuana that is commensurate with the crime. A new article stated that those who grow the plant for personal use and   57   the “circumstances are minor” should be sentenced to a minimum prison sentence of one year and a maximum of seven years and a fine of   58   NT$1 million. On Tuesday, the third reading of the amendment passed the Legislative Yuan without any objections by any legislators present.


55.(A) was found (B) finding (C) found (D) find

(被判為)people和空格間有個經過省略的who were。found此處作為受詞補語使用,以連接後方的guilty。A選項多一個be動詞,沒必要,且和複數名詞people不搭。
56.(A) so (B) with (C) for (D) as

(A)所有 (B)有了…(C)為了…(D)如同
57.(A) when (B) where (C) how (D) why

(A)是在…的時候 (B)哪裏 (C)如何 (D)為何
58.(A) no fewer than (B) no more than (C) no sooner than (D) no later than

(A)不少於 (B)不超過 (C)不快於 (D)不晚於

請依下文回答第 59 題至第 60 題:

The linkages between terrorism and organized crime are multifaceted and can manifest themselves in different ways. Generally speaking, terrorist groups and organized crime groups (OCGs) have in theory distinct objectives. Terrorist groups deliberately challenge State authority and seek to produce political change through violent means; their motivations are related to several factors, including, but not limited to ideological ones. OCGs on the other hand typically engage in secret operations so as to obtain a financial or other material benefit while avoiding detection by law enforcement authorities. Rather than aiming to effect political change, the disruption they seek to impose on territories under State authority is meant to perpetuate conditions that are beneficial to their operations. In practical terms, the linkages between terrorism and organized crime become apparent most notably in the financing of terrorism. In other cases, these linkages may involve the smuggling of migrants and illicit arms trafficking involving small arms, light weapons and other military equipment, car theft, illicit mineral extraction, kidnapping for ransom, drug trafficking, trafficking in other illicit goods. Instances involving OCGs facilitating the transport of terrorists across borders activities also represent possible scenarios where these two phenomena become intertwined.



59.What is the purpose of this passage?

(A)It provides solutions to combat these two types of crimes.

(B)It argues that organized crime groups and terrorist groups can be reconciled if ideological

problems can be resolved.

(C)It shows how terrorist groups finance organized crime groups for their operations.

(D)It shows how these organized crime groups and terrorist groups are often united.





60.What does the pronoun “they” refer to in the last sentence of the first paragraph?

“Rather than aiming to effect political change, the disruption they seek to impose on territories under State authority is meant to perpetuate conditions that are beneficial to their operations.”

(A) the terrorist groups.

(B) the organized crime groups.

(C) smuggling activities.

(D) illicit goods







以上三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



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2024 06 30 下午7.54.08