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以下三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析,高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫


110年三等警察特考 專業英文完整解析

甲、申論題部分:(25 分)


臺灣彰化地方法院109 年度訴字第 687 號刑事判決,被告黃○○進 行陳情抗議活動,造成前往處理之某分局員警洪○○跌倒受傷,經檢 察官以傷害、妨害公務等罪嫌提起公訴。法院查驗證據發現,分局長 事前指示遭遇陳抗民眾推擠時,員警要直接順勢跌倒,並將陳抗人士 以現行犯逮捕;致使法院無法排除其係為了要逮捕被告而順勢倒地的 可能;故以罪疑惟輕之原則,判決被告無罪,並於判決書中附記事項。 請將該判決書附記事項以下部分譯為英文: 「我國既為法治國家,執法者除了應廉潔自持外,執法手段更必須合 法正當,不得逾越應恪守之界線,此即本院一再強調的『執法之前, 先要守法』基本觀念。……正因出於對員警執法安全的重視和保護, 本院懇切呼籲警界長官們,切勿對基層員警做出不當的指示或要求, 也再次提醒每位堅守崗位、認真付出的員警們,你們應恪遵的對象, 唯有『國家的憲法與法令』!

   ROC, as a country under the rule of law, enforcers should not only follow the integrity and discipline themselves, but implement means of enforcements legitimately and validly without going beyond boundary lines you should obey. This is the fundamental concept of “abiding by the law before enforcing it.” emphasized by our court. In light of our respect and protection of security when police are enforcing the law, we sincerely urge supervisors not to assign improper instructions and requests to grassroots police officers. Again, we remind those officers who stick to their posts and put a lot of work: Only the constitution and decree of our country is the object you should abide by.

乙、測驗題部分:(75 分)

41 While it is important to recognize that police officers have a dangerous job, it is also important to realize that killing unarmed citizens is a __________ of the oath they have taken.

(A)    distinction (B)graduation (C)violation (D)regulation


(A)區分  (B)畢業  (C)違反  (D)法規、規則

42 Illegal immigrants awaiting __________will be put into one of these detention centers before they are transported back to their countries.

(A)    detention (B)determination (C)deportation (D)deliberation


(A)拘留 (B)決心  (C)驅逐出境  (D)深思熟慮

43 If a person was acquitted on a charge, it means he __________.

(A)received a sentence from the judge

(B)was arrested by the police

(C)was not found guilty in court

(D)became a witness in a case


(A)    法官對他判了刑

(B)   被警方逮捕

(C)   在法庭中無罪

(D)   在安件中成為目擊者

44 You should show the residents of the household the search __________before you enter the property to conduct a search.

(A)warrant (B)proscription (C)ban (D)license


(A)搜查令 (B)禁止  (C)禁令  (D)執照

45 A person who breaks into the computer system of another person is a ___________.

(A)heckler (B)hacker (C)hustler (D)hipster


(A)起鬨的人  (B)駭客  (C)騙子  (D)追趕時髦的人

46 She not only refused to cooperate with the field sobriety test but also began to quarrel with the officers, so they charged her with __________the work of the police.

(A)operating (B)negotiating (C)distorting (D)obstructing


(A)操作  (B)協商  (C)歪曲  (D)妨礙

47 The police ___________the nightclub in the middle of the party and found weapons and illegal drugs inside.

(A)raided (B)fortified (C)repossessed (D)fostered


(A)突襲  (B)強化  (C)收回  (D)促進

48 The women appear to have been kidnapped from their native villages and forced to provide sexual services; they are likely the victims of ___________.

(A)social work

(B)heroin addiction

(C)human trafficking

(D)domestic violence


(A)社會工作  (B)海洛因成癮  (C)人口販運  (D)家庭暴力

49 Travelers with a negative COVID-19RT-PCR test report still have to undergo a 14-day __________ after they arrive in Taiwan either in a hotel or alone in a residence.

(A)    management (B)quarantine (C)observation (D)isolation


(A)    管理  (B)隔離  (C)觀察  (D)隔離


50 Those who plan to travel abroad are urged to have the COVID-19 ____________before their departure to build immunity against the virus.

(A)vaccine (B)accentuation (C)diagnosis (D)infection


(A)疫苗  (B)強調  (C)診斷  (D)感染


Would Covid masks help criminals get away with it? It was the question posed by police, academics and many others when face coverings became 51__________ in shops and other places last year. Now, it seems, they have their answer as Kent police in the UK say catching a person guilty of a crime has become even 52__________ as putting together an accurate efit (electronic facial identification technique)–which officers use like wanted posters– is difficult when the person 53__________ is wearing a mask. Susan Morrison, a civil supervisor at Kent police’s identification office, said, “We are seeing an increase in reports of guilty people wearing masks. And while we view each case separately, sometimes it can be more stressful for the victim to go through the process of making an efit, than the result is useful to the investigation.” The phenomenon is 54___________ limited to the UK. US media outlets have reports on a couple in Connecticut committed a series of crime in a day, during which they are accused of robbing several shops while disguised in medical masks. In order to 55____________ an increase in mask-assisted crime, professors at Leeds University’s law school warned shop owners to look out for robbers returning for a second bite of the cherry. This is because they know that successful commercial robbers return to the same, nearby or same-type places.


51 (A)essential (B)memorial  (C)beneficial  (D)imperial

(A)有必要的  (B)紀念性的  (C)有益的  (D)帝國的

52 (A)smoother  (B)trickier  (C)clumsier  (D)guiltier

(A)更加順利  (B)更加棘手、更加難辦  (C)更加笨拙  (D)更有罪

53 (A)in theory  (B)in common  (C)in question  (D)In general

(A)理論上  (B)共同的  (C)有問題的  (D)總體上的

54 (A)from now on  (B)time and again  (C)all the way  (D)by no means

(A)從現在起  (B)一而再再而三  (C)一直  (D)絕不會

55 (A)cease  (B)march  (C)pursue  (D)obtain

(A)遏止  (B)行進  (C)追求  (D)獲得


The killing of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis and the shooting of Jacob Blake by police in Wisconsin have led many police departments in the US to deal with unpleasant situations they have avoided till now. As thousands have marched in the streets to protest against racial inequality, many others have also been forced to ask some difficult questions about their levels of prejudice. While some people mistake racism as being only plain prejudice, there is another crucial component that affects our decision and actions towards others: implicit bias. An implicit bias is any prejudice that has formed accidentally and without our direct knowledge– and it can often counter our obvious beliefs and behaviors. Usually, it reflects a mixture of personal experience, attitudes around us as we have grown up, and our wilder exposure to society and culture–including the books we read, television we watch and news we follow. Many police departments in the US have pointed to strategies aimed at tackling implicit bias as evidence of their attempts to root out racism from their ranks. Police departments are not alone in hoping tackling unconscious bias can bring about change. Multinational corporations have also commanded implicit bias training in response to racist incidents involving their employees.


56 Which of the following best describes what the passage is about?

(A)Implicit bias is a crucial component in racism.

(B)Police and corporations tackle racism together.

(C)People mistake racism as accidental prejudice.

(D)The US police have made evidence of tackling bias.


(A)    在種族歧視中,隱晦的偏見是重要的要素之一。

(B)   警方和企業共同消除種族歧視。

(C)   人們將種族歧視誤認為意外的偏見。

(D)   消除偏見的證據,是美國警方捏造出來的。

57 According to the passage, which of the following can be inferred about implicit bias?

(A)Racist incidents involve a certain level of implicit bias.

(B)People are barely aware of having implicit bias.

(C)Corporations have also commanded implicit bias.

(D)The US police avoid fixing unpleasant situations.


(A)    和種族歧視有關的事件,都牽涉了一定程度的隱晦偏見。

(B)   人們幾乎無法意識到隱晦的偏見。

(C)   就連企業也要求對別人展現隱晦的偏見。

(D)   美國警方避免修復不愉快的狀況。


58 Which of the following best describes the organization of the information in the passage?

(A)    Comparison-Contrast.

(B)   Process Analysis.

(C)  Cause and Effect.

(D)   Simple Listing.


(A)    比較——對比

(B)   過程——分析

(C)   因果關係

(D)   簡單列表

59 Based on the following sentence, what can you infer about the meaning of the italicized word? “Many police departments in the US have pointed to strategies aimed at tackling implicit bias as evidence of their attempts to root out racism from their “ranks”.”

(A)Grades achieved by the police.

(B)Qualities involving in the police.

(C)Positions related to the police.

(D)People belonging to the police.



(A)    警察獲得的成績。

(B)   警察的素質。

(C)   和警察有關的職位。

(D)   人民屬於警察管轄。

60    What kind of tone does this passage have?

(A)Informative. (B)Respectful. (C)Sympathetic. (D)Disapproving.


(A)    提供資訊的口吻。

(B)   敬佩的口吻。

(C)   同情的口吻。

(D)   失望的口吻。

以上三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



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