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以下三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析,高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫


108年三等警察特考 專業英文完整解析

甲、申論題部分:(25 分)

一、英譯中:請將下列英文譯為中文(10 分)
The prevalence of social media has triggered many new, often anonymous, forms  of violence that take place exclusively online. Cyber-bullying generally involves using the Internet to threaten, harm, or socially exclude others. The most frequent form of bullying is writing a mean comment on someone’s photo or posts on social media sites.



二、中譯英:請將下列中文譯為英文(15 分)

盜用身分指的是藉由盜取個資進行詐欺行為,例如申請信用卡、報 稅、或是獲得醫療服務。小孩和老年人是這種詐欺行為最容易下手的受害者。要是發生在小孩身上,受害者可能在多年之後,已經成年要 申請貸款時才發現身分被盜用。至於老年人,因為他們常常把個資告 知醫師或照護者,結果讓自己擔著身分被盜用的風險。

Usurping (embezzling) others’ identities means conducting frauds by usurping individual data. For example, when it comes to the following situations like applying for a credit card, filing taxes, or gaining medical services, children and elders are the most common victims of frauds. When this happens to children, victims might find their identities usurped (embezzled) when they want to apply for a loan in adulthood after many years. As for elders, they often inform doctors or caregivers of their individual data. As a result, their identities are at the risk of being usurped (embezzled) .

乙、測驗題部分:(75 分)

41.Chicago P. D., an American TV drama, shows how the uniformed cops and the Intelligence Unit work together to combat _______ crime, drug trafficking, high profile murders and beyond.

(A)organized (B)modernized (C)coordinated (D)cooperated


(A)有規劃的 (B)現代化的 (C)經協調過的 (D)聯合合作
42.Policewomen are often found to be more capable of talking their way through difficult situations or listening to _______ of domestic violence.

 (A)victims  (B)criminals  (C)colleagues  (D)inflictors


(A)受害人 (B)犯人 (C)同事 (D)加害者
43.Although prosecutors and judges regard criminals’ confessions as important, police investigators should also search for _______by resorting to scientific methods.

(A)verdict  (B)evidence  (C)sentence  (D)penalty


(A)裁決 (B)證據 (C)刑期 (D)處罰
44.The police cannot arrest someone just because they highly _______ someone might be a criminal.

(A)praise  (B)pretend  (C)suspect  (D)evaluate


(A)讚美 (B)假裝 (C)嫌疑 (D)評估
45.Surveillance camera databases are becoming _______tools for the police to solve criminal problems.

(A)useless  (B)crucial  (C)disturbing  (D)controversial


(A)沒用的 (B)重要的 (C)困擾的 (D)有爭議
46.Helen, a 16-year-old girl, was walking her dog at 6 in the morning in a park when she was _________.  Someone called to threaten to kill her if the ransom was not paid.

(A)identified  (B)kidnapped  (C)mugged  (D)robbed


(A)識別 (B)綁架 (C)背後襲擊並搶劫(口語) (D)搶劫
47.At his second trial, Syed, then 19, was __________ of first-degree murder, and sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years.

(A)announced  (B)assumed  (C)convicted  (D)decided


(A)宣佈 (B)假定 (C)定罪 (D)決定
48.Some police officers have suffered post___________stress disorder symptoms after a disaster rescue operation and seeing too many corpses.

(A)modern (B)frontier (C)deadline (D)traumatic


(A)現代 (B)邊境 (C)期限 (D)創傷
49.Generally, police officers take an_________ at the beginning of their careers, which affirms their standards of integrity, bravery and honor.

(A)oath  (B)elevator  (C)usher  (D)adventure


(A)誓言 (B)電梯 (C)帶領 (D)冒險
50.Becoming a police officer doesn’t rely heavily on formal education; in fact, a high school_________is often the minimum formal education required.

(A)transcript  (B)resume  (C)diploma  (D)autobiography


(A)錄音文字記錄 (B)重新再來 (C)畢業證書 (D)自傳


(CNN Business) Tesla is selling its cars with the option of “full self-driving capability,” a feature that’s drawing criticism from experts on self-driving technology. Experts say Tesla’s full self-driving feature is really a “partial” self-driving feature that handles minor driving tasks such as keeping pace with other cars on a highway and still requires diligent 51_______ oversight. To most autonomous vehicle experts, “full self-driving” means a car in which a person could safely fall asleep 52_______ the wheel and the steering wheel and pedals aren’t even needed. They say the general public doesn’t understand this, and misperceptions abound. A 2018 study found that 71% of drivers believed they could purchase a self-driving car today, despite no fully autonomous vehicles being available for sale. Experts warn that this lack of understanding could be deadly as humans may put too much 53________ in systems like Tesla’s, leading to crashes. Part of the problem, according to experts, is that governing bodies haven’t 54_______ a definition for self-driving vehicles. Some experts tell CNN Business that the government needs to step in to prevent businesses from misleading and confusing 55_______ . One says, “Tesla’s use of this term is totally irresponsible.”

 (CNN商業新聞) 特斯拉主打“能夠全程自動駕駛”的選項,賣著汽車。在標榜著“自動駕駛科技”特色上,還引來了專家的批評。據專家所述,特斯拉全程自動駕駛的技術,充其量只能處理較次等風險的問題而已,像是在高速公路上和其他車輛保持車距的例子,因此還得要有充分的51_______監督才行。自動駕駛領域的專家認為:一台全程駕駛的車輛,也能使得駕駛方向盤的司機,52________的同時也能睡著,連踏板也不需要。他們還說一般大眾根本不瞭解這些,使得錯誤認知四處充斥著。2018年,一項研究指出:有71%的司機相信在今天,儘管沒有全程自動駕駛車輛在市場促銷著,他們依舊買得起自動駕駛車輛。專家因此警告:若是缺乏這方面的駕駛認識,會引來致命事故發生,原因在於人們對於特斯拉的系統太過53________,就會招致車禍。另外據專家所述,還有一部分問題在於:車輛主體的自我駕駛相關規定,還未達到54________。部分專家告訴CNN商業新聞部門:政府必須介入這種商業行為,以避免有誤導55_______,使他們感到困惑的情形發生,有一位說道:“特斯拉這種自我標榜的方式,實在太不負責任了!”

51.(A)human  (B)animal  (C)mechanical  (D)computer

(A)人為  (B)動物  (C)機械的  (D)電腦

52.(A)upon  (B)beneath  (C)behind  (D)against

(A)在方向盤之上  (B)在方向盤之下  (C) 開車  (D) 靠著方向盤

53.(A)need  (B)trust  (C)effort  (D)obligation

(A)需要  (B)信賴  (C)努力  (D)義務

54.(A)operated  (B)dissolved  (C)overthrown  (D)standardized

(A)操作  (B)溶解  (C)推翻  (D)標準化

55.(A)mechanics  (B)pedestrians  (C)consumers  (D)passengers

(A)機械學  (B)行人  (C)消費者  (D)乘客


“Forensic science” means applying scientific methods and processes to solving crimes. Forensic science has become an integral part of many criminal cases and convictions. The extraordinary innovations and advancements in forensic science have allowed it to become a highly developed science that involves a number of disciplines. The field of forensic science draws from a number of scientific branches, including physics, chemistry, and biology, with its focus being on the recognition, identification, and evaluation of physical evidence. These scientific experts use microscopic examining techniques, complex instruments, mathematical principles, scientific principles, and reference literature to analyze evidence as to identify both class and individual characteristics. In the past decade, they have started using laser scanners, drones and photogrammetry to obtain 3D point clouds of accidents or crime scenes. Reconstruction of an accident scene on a highway using drones involves data acquisition time of only 10-20 minutes and can be performed without shutting down traffic. The majority of forensic scientists perform their jobs within the confines of the forensic laboratory or morgue; their work may also take them outside of the laboratory and to the crime scenes, where they observe the scene and collect evidence. Forensic scientists may work for local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and government, private laboratories, and hospitals. They may also serve as independent forensic science consultants.


56.Which of the following evaluations best shows the standing of forensic science?

(A)It is a technology too complicated for the police to employ.

(B)It is the only technology the police use to solve crimes.

(C)It is nowadays helping the police a lot in solving crimes.

(D)It is used to observe criminals’ behavior.





57.Which of the following best describes forensic science?

(A)It is an outdated study of science.

(B)It is a new field of study not yet well-developed.

(C)It is an old science just newly innovated.

(D)It is a science that integrates many fields of study.





58.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A)Reconstruction of an accident scene on a highway has to shut down traffic.

(B)Using drones to reconstruct an accident scene takes too much time.

(C)Reconstruction of an accident scene on a highway uses drones.

(D)Using drones to reconstruct an accident scene may frighten drivers on a highway.





59.Which of the following statements is true about forensic scientists?

(A)They only work in the laboratories to analyze evidence.

(B)They do not need to visit the crime scenes to collect evidence.

(C)They are not confined to laboratories to examine evidence.

(D)They use high technology to play 3-D computer games.





60.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A)The contribution of forensic science is becoming much greater.

(B)Forensic scientists only work for government agencies.

(C)The contribution of forensic science exceeds scientific research.

(D)One possible career path for a forensic scientist is to become an independent consultant.






以上三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



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