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以下三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析,高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫


107年三等警察特考 專業英文完整解析

甲、申論題部分:(25 分)

一、中翻英:(10 分)

有經驗的警員都知道有效溝通的重要性,所以警員都必須知道如何溝通以達成 幫民眾解決問題的目標。

All experienced police officers know the significance (importance) of effective communication. Therefore, they need (have) to know how to deal with communication to achieve the goal of resolving (solving) residents’ (people’s) problems.


二、英文作文:(15 分) 當一個人進入警察人員這個體制後,常會面臨家庭和社會所帶來的壓力。請以 一篇長 150-200 字的短文,敘述你若當了警察以後,會如何面對家庭或社會(含 一般民眾)可能帶來的壓力。

     After becoming a police, it’s indeed tiresome when one police shoulders tons of burdens from the society and the family. For me as a police, sources of the pressure are inevitable.

            When the police are dealing with some criminal cases, it means the moment when they have to absorb and taste the dark side of the public security. Facing spoken threats with vulgar languages from armed gangsters is merely a tip of icebergs. On top of that, most of the police have to face problems from families who complain the situations when police are too busy to care for them. Fortunately, there is a way to be counselled with the assistance of professional experts if we may make good use of the helpline.

            By calling the experts, we may tackle the mental problems by following the advices from experts. I would recommend asking for help if any colleague feels like to voice their grievance from their work, the society, and the family. If piles of various problems that form the source of negative emotions can’t be voiced, the generated depression would influence the efficiency of the work. Therefore, don’t be afraid to have your negative emotions removed by the phone!

乙、測驗題部分:(75 分)

41.Officers shall not consume any intoxicating beverage while on ______ unless authorized by a supervisor.  

(A)responsibility (B)accountability  (C)capability  (D)duty


(A)負責  (B)負責任的個性 (C)能力 (D)執勤,職責

42.A car driver who causes a car accident may face civil and criminal ________, depending on the circumstances.

(A)assaults (B)licenses  (C)penalties  (D)opposites


(A)攻擊 (B)駕照 (C)(法律的)罰則 (D)對立面
43.The exception derives from the interests in officer safety and evidence _________ that are typically implicated in arrest situation.  

(A)preservation   (B)prevention  (C)distraction  (D)distribution


(A)保留 (B)假裝 (C)轉移 (D)分配
44.________is a formal written accusation of a crime, which is presented to a court for prosecution against the accused person.  

(A)Indictment   (B)Conviction (C)Subpoena  (D)Summon


(A)起訴書 (B)定罪 (C)傳票 (D)召喚
45.A new form of identification relies on DNA, which carries the ________information of each person.  

(A)electric   (B)genetic   (C)psychological   (D)mental


(A)電子的 (B)基因 (C)心理學的  (D)心理的
46.Officials said that diplomats do not enjoy ________from criminal prosecution on charges of visa fraud.  

(A)immobility   (B)impediment  (C)imminence   (D)immunity


(A)靜止不動 (B)障礙物 (C)迫切事件 (D)豁免權
47.The mission of the prison is to protect society by ________offenders in the controlled environments of prisons.  

(A)confusing   (B)confining  (C)combining (D)combating


(A)疑惑 (B)進行拘禁(C)結合 (D)戰鬥
48.During the execution of the warrant, officer must prepare an inventory and verify the property_______, and may retain a copy.  

(A)arrested    (B)terminated  (C)seized  (D)decoded


(A)被逮捕 (B)被終止 (C)被沒收 (D)被解碼
49.After the 911 _______attacks in the U.S., the homeland security studies have been initiated.  

(A)terrorist   (B)scooterist  (C)psychiatrist  (D)tourist


(A)恐怖分子 (B)騎摩托車的人 (C)精神科醫生 (D)觀光客
50.It is dangerous. Do not _______the fire scene.  

(A)exhibit    (B)approve  (C)prohibit  (D)approach


(A)展示 (B)同意 (C)禁止 (D)靠近
51.The police officer in that case stopped a ________car. The limit over there is 60MPH.

(A)steering    (B)driving  (C)boarding  (D)speeding


(A)駕駛 (B)開(車)(C)膳宿  (D)超速

請依下文回答第 52 題至第 55 題:

The legal doctrine of false light addresses people’s right to not have false or misleading information, which puts them in a false light, made public. In other words, it deals with the invasion of a person’s privacy by disseminating false or misleading information, rather than the gathering of information through invasion of privacy.

Walter leaves his position on the City Council to care for his wife, who has serious health problems. The small town’s local newspaper prints a story about Walter’s resignation, alluding to “anonymous sources” reporting Walter was a little too friendly with the administrative assistants and other women at the office. This led to talk about whether Walter had an affair. Walter, who is certainly friendly with everyone at the office, never had an affair, and is terribly embarrassed and indignant over the incident, and the damage to his reputation.

Because the newspaper disclosed information that painted Walter in a false light, he may choose to file a civil lawsuit under the tort of false light. In this case, the misleading information was published in the town newspaper, intentionally, with reckless disregard for the falsity of the information, in exchange for higher readership.


Walter 為了照顧患有嚴重健康問題的妻子,而離開了市議會的崗位。當地小鎮的當地報紙,對於Walter辭職一事編了一段故事,報導此事時還暗示大眾:Walter因不明原因,而與行政助理以及辦公室的其他女性過於親密。結果引起了輿論,大家討論著Walter究竟有沒有婚外情。但事實是:Walter向來和辦公室的大家關係不錯,絕無可能有婚外情。當事人陷入了尷尬萬分,對於不實報導事件憤怒不已,他本人名聲就是如此被玷污的。


52.What is the purpose of the passage? 

(A)To demonstrate the power of mass media.

(B)To describe the personality of the victim.  

(C)To analyze how an affair may happen.

(D)To explain a legal concept.





53.What does false light mean? 

(A)Publication of incorrect information.

(B)Reporting news without permission. 

(C)Collection of erotic photos.

(D)Protecting personal privacy .





54.What does it in the second sentence refer to? 

(A)Misleading information.

(B)The legal doctrine. 

(C)People’s right.

(D)The public.





55.According to the passage, which is true about Walter? 

(A)He is a caring husband.

(B)He loves to share information. 

(C)He is the most popular person in the office.

(D)He has been fighting against the newspaper.






請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題:

Juvenile delinquents are often defined as children between the ages of 10 and 17 who have committed a criminal act. There are two main types of offenders: repeat offenders and age-specific offenders. Repeat offenders are also known as “life-course 56 offenders.” These juvenile delinquents begin offending or showing other signs of antisocial behavior during adolescence. Repeat offenders continue to engage in criminal activities or aggressive behaviors 57 after they enter adulthood. The other type of juvenile delinquent behavior, age-specific offenders, begins during adolescence. 58 the repeat offenders, however, the behaviors of the age-specific offender ends before the minor becomes an adult. The behaviors that a juvenile shows during adolescence are often a good 59 of the type of offender he will become. While age-specific offenders leave their delinquent behavior behind 60 they enter adulthood, they often have more mental health problems, engage in substance abuse, and have greater financial problems than adults who were never delinquent as juveniles.


56.(A)imminent (B)persistent (C)civilian (D)humble

(A)即將發生的 (B)反復不斷的 (C)公民的 (D)謙卑的
57.(A)quite   (B)never (C)even (D)over

(A)很 (B)從未 (C)甚至 (D)在…之上
58.(A)To    (B)For (C)Beside (D)Unlike

(A)對…而言 (B)為了 (C)除…之外 (D)和…不同
59.(A)indicator   (B)example (C)decision (D)principle

(A)指標,指示物 (B)例子 (C)決定 (D)原則
60.(A)because   (B)unless (C)when (D)or

(A)因為 (B)除非  (C)當…時 (D)或者

以上三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



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