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以下三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析,高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫


106年三等警察特考 專業英文完整解析

甲、申論題部分:(25 分)


Viral video” is one of those buzzwords that gets thrown around a lot. A few years ago, a video online could be considered “viral” if it hit a million views, but today, only if it gets more than 5 million views in a 3–7 day period can it be considered “viral”.

「病毒式影片」是經常出現的流行語之一。好幾年以前,如果一個線上影片的觀看次數達到一百萬的話,我們就可以將之視為“病毒式”的傳播,但今天影片只在 3-7 天內達到超過 500 萬次的觀看,我們才會認為這是「病毒性的」影片。




   Among the adolescents whose age are between thirteen and eighteen, there are about 22% of them who were once bullied at school. Those diagnosed as mentally or physically handicapped might be two or three times more likely to be bullied and harassed than those who are not. In some places, it is still debated whether campus bullying should be defined as criminal behaviors in some locations.

乙、測驗題部分:(75 分)

41 The name polygraph comes from the fact that the machine records several different body _________ simultaneously as the individual is questioned.

(A)responses (B)impulses (C)positions (D)organs


(A)反應 (B)位置 (C)脈衝 (D)器官

42 The police will need to capture demographic information ______to crime trends.

(A)mention (B)monitor (C)mobilize (D)medicate


(A)提及 (B)監測 (C)組織、動員 (D)藥物

43 ______ is the act of a person who, on more than one occasion, follows, pursues or harasses another person, causing the victim to feel endangered or distressed.

(A)Stalking  (B)Striking  (C)Stealing  (D)Spelling



44 All for the following are symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome except ___________. (A)headaches (B)nightmares (C)anxiety (D)euphoria



45 The use of science to answer legal questions is known as ___________. (A)toxicology (B)criminology (C)forensics (D)symbiosis



46 ____________ is the condition using a narcotic lost the power of self-control with respect to it.

(A)Addiction (B) Psychological screening (C) Physical dependence (D) Tolerance


(A)成癮 (B)心理篩查 (C)身體依賴 (D)忍耐力

47 Police agencies across Michigan are going to be stepping_______ drunk driving enforcement in the coming months.

(A)   of (B) for (C) to (D) up


(A)(無此用法)(B)(無此用法)(C)(無此用法) (D)加緊、加強

Step up的意思是“加緊”,為固定用法。

48 Security and intelligence agencies that generally operate undercover have played an increasingly important role in combating ______, especially since the September 11 attacks in the United States in 2001.

(A)   tournament (B) tourism (C) terrorism (D) territorialism

總體而言,自從 2001 年美國 9 月 11 日襲擊事件發生以來,秘密行動的安全和情報機構打擊__________的方面,發揮越來越重要的作用。

(A)錦標賽 (B)旅遊業 (C)恐怖主義 (D)地方主義

49 Many of the Pacific Ocean’s island nations with only a few thousand citizens and no major industries are limited in preventing their economies from becoming staging grounds for______ crime syndicates.

(A) transcultural (B) intercultural (C) institutional (D) transnational


(A)    跨文化的 (B)跨文化的 (C)制度的 (D)跨國的

50 A person can waive constitutionally provided protections against unreasonable searches and seizures and allow an officer to search home, person, and property. Such a search is known as ______ .

(A) consent search

(B) plain view search

(C) stop and frisk

(D) search incident to an arrest .


(A)    同意搜索




51 Policing is most often performed by the public______ forces that patrol public spaces, often in marked cars, and whose members wear a uniform.

(A) congressional

(B) constabulary

(C) constitutional

(D) continental


(A)    國會(的) (B)警察(的) (C)憲政(的) (D)大陸(的)

52 Methods to prevent workplace harassment include all but ______.

(A) policy development

(B) negative discipline

(C) training

(D) supervision


(A)    政策發展 (B)負面紀律 (C)訓練 (D)監督

請依下文回答第 53 題至第 57 題:

 We take all personal crimes very seriously and will record and investigate this 53__________ even if you do not want to give your details. However, you must know that the investigation and ability to 54___________ the suspect(s) is severely limited if the police cannot contact you. You may specify how you are contacted and if contacting you would cause you any difficulties. We will not pass on your details without your consent and would ask you to consider giving your details 55__________. Once submitted, our Contact Handlers will review the form’s contents within 24 hours, 56__________ the risk and take appropriate action. Please be assured that we will 57___________ contact you if you have given us permission to do so.

我們以相當嚴肅的態度看待所有的個人犯罪行為,即使您不太願意提供詳細的信息,我們還是會記錄並調查此類53__________。但是您必須知道一點,如果警方無法聯繫您的話,那麽調查和54___________嫌疑人的能力將會受到嚴重限制。您可以指定如何聯絡您本人以及這麽做是否會為您帶來任何困難。未經您的許可,我們不會傳遞您的詳細信息,並將要求您考慮55___________提供您的詳細信息。提交之後,我們的聯絡處理人員將在24 小時內對表格內容進行審核,56__________風險並採取適當的行動。請放心,我們57___________在您允許的情況下,才會與您聯繫。

53 (A) defense (B) detention (C) offence (D) offer

53(A)防禦 (B)拘留 (C)犯罪行為 (D)提供

54 (A) project (B) produce (C) protect (D) prosecute

54 (A)投射 (B)產生 (C)保護 (D)起訴

55 (A) contently (B) confidentially (C) conversely (D) consistently

55 (A)滿意地 (B)機密地 (C)反過來地 (D)前後一致地

56 (A) assess (B) allow (C) appoint (D) approach

56 (A)評估 (B)允許 (C)指定 (D)靠近

57 (A) simply (B) only (C) naturally (D) barely

57(A)簡單地 (B)只 (C)自然地 (D)僅僅能夠


請依下文回答第 58 題至第 60 題:

   When the New York Police Department (NYPD) was established in 1845, Mayor Isaac Varian expressed the hope that the city’s peace officers would be “but a part of the citizens” rather than outsiders. To that end, each ward had its own police station, while policemen were required to live in the precinct. Local control was a political necessity of the time, but with the department established, localism began a long decline. The residency requirement was never strictly enforced, but at first, two-thirds to three-fourths of the police lived in the ward in which they worked. After the requirement was abolished in 1857, the number of local residents dropped to less than half. Regardless of the rules, practical considerations dictated living near the workplace since mass transit was limited and expensive.

就在1845 年紐約警察局 (NYPD) 成立的時候,市長艾薩克·瓦里安 (Isaac Varian) 就表示:希望這座城市的治安官員身份“只是公民的一部分”,而不是外人。因此每個區都有自己的警察局,而警察必須住在轄區內部。地方控制是那時候的政治需要,但隨著這個部門的成立,地方主義開始有長期衰退的情形。居住要求從未從嚴執行,但最初有三分之二到四分之三的警察就住在他們工作的房間中。 1857年,這項要求被廢除,之後當地的居民人數下降到不到一半的人數。無論規則如何,由於公共交通有限且昂貴,警察局的實際考量因而規定:必須住在工作場所附近。

58 What would be the most appropriate title for the passage?

(A) At the Heart of the Insistence

(B) The Political Necessity

(C) New York City’s Peace Officers

(D) The Patrolman’s Own Neighborhood


(A)    堅持的核心價值

(B)   政治的必要性

(C)   紐約市的和平官員

(D)   那些巡邏警員自己的街區

59 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

(A) NYPD was established more than 170 years ago.

(B) Local control was a political necessity in the middle of 19th century.

(C) Since the residency requirement was enforced, two-thirds to three-fourths of the police lived in the ward in which they worked.

(D) The cost of transportation was one of the reasons why the police would like to live near their workplace.


(A)    紐約警察局成立時間,已經是170多年前。

(B)   在19世紀中葉,地方上的控制是政治上的必然。

(C)   自從居住要求實施以來,有三分之二至四分之三的警察都住在自己工作的房間內。

(D)   交通成本,正是警察願意住在工作地點附近的原因之一。

60 According to the passage, what is the most likely percentage of the NYPD officers living in the precinct they worked in the second half of the 19th century?

(A) 3/4

(B) 1/4

(C) 3/5

(D) 4/5


(A)  四分之三

(B)   四分之一

(C)   五分之三

(D)   五分之四

以上三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



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