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以下三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析,高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫


105年三等警察特考 專業英文完整解析

甲、申論題部分:(25 分)


Youth are more likely to be the victims of crime because they, relative to older citizens, take fewer steps to protect themselves from victimization. They are more likely to spend time in high-risk areas and engage in high-risk activities.



警方的腐敗是警察不當行為的一種形式。它主要是由警官為了取得個人利益的動機 所引起。

    The corruption of police is a pattern of their improper deeds. It is primarily occurred out of the police’s motivation in order to gain some individual interests (benefits).

乙、測驗題部分:(75 分)

41 Search _______is a written order signed by a judge authorizing a police officer to conduct a search of a specified place and seize the evidences related to a crime.

(A) wanted    (B) warrant    (C) regulation    (D) authority


(A) 通緝當中的犯人  (B)搜查令  (C)規定   (D)當局

42 Clearly, information technologies in policing nowadays have assumed a new and more ______ role.

(A) insignificant    (B) vital    (C) minor    (D) reactive


(A)不重要的   (B)重要的   (C)其次的    (D)易反應的
43 A suspect of an assault case is being _______at the local Criminal Investigation Squadron to find out the details and evidences of the case.

 (A) interrogated    (B) insisted    (C) confiscated    (D) constricted


 (A)接受審問  (B)堅持   (C)被沒收   (D)收縮
44 Forensic pathologist performs legal _______on a body to determine what caused a person’s death in a crime case.

(A) execution    (B) oppression    (C) treatment    (D) autopsy


  (A)遠足   (B)鎮壓  (C)治療   (D)驗屍
45 A police officer is testing the driver to see if he is driving under the _______of alcohol.

(A) influence    (B) intoxicated    (C) irregularity    (D) infrastructure


 (A)影響  (B)醉醺醺的  (C)不規則的  (D)大眾設施
46 During the traffic _______, people would expect police to regulate the flow of traffic and hopefully to get back home soon.

(A) issue    (B) jam    (C) problem    (D) estimation


(A)議題  (B)堵塞  (C)問題   (D)估計
47 In this car accident, if the victim suffers minor injuries, your driver’s license will be _______ for two years according to the traffic regulation.

(A) submitted    (B) renewed    (C) suspended    (D) contradicted


 (A)提交   (B)更新   (C)中止,暫時取消  (D)抵觸,否定
48 Indictment is the formal written ____ of a crime, made by a grand jury and presented to a court for prosecution against the suspicious people.

(A) accusation    (B) summon    (C) breach    (D) plea


 (A)控告  (B)召喚  (C)違反  (D)請求
49 Although people may confess to a crime, a ____ cannot be based solely on a confession.

(A) motion  (B) conviction    (C) complaint    (D) tryst


(A)行動  (B)頂罪  (C)抱怨  (D)幽會
50 The application of technology to the community policing gave way to a process commonly ____ to as Compstat.

(A) refer    (B) referred    (C) referring    (D) being referred


(A) 稱為  (B)曾經稱為  (C)正稱為  (D)被稱為
51 Crosswalks at intersection are often marked with white lines, while some crosswalks have flashing light to warn the drivers that _______may be crossing.

(A) pedestrians    (B) rioters    (C) hooligans    (D) gangsters


(A)行人  (B)暴民  (C)流氓  (D)歹徒
52 Randomized motor patrol ______ lowers crime nor increases the chances of catching suspects.

(A) neither    (B) either    (C) does    (D) must


(A)既無法  (B)要嘛  (C)(第三人稱)做 (D)一定

請依下文回答第 53 題至第 56 題:

The Kansas City preventive patrol experiment was a large-scale test of one of policing’s most cherished doctrines: conspicuous and aggressive patrol in all areas of the community at  53_______  times prevents crime and reduces the public’s fear of crime.  54 ______ with a Police Foundation grant, this 12-month experiment  55 _______ geographical areas or beats covering 32 square miles into reactive, proactive and control beats to test the doctrine of conspicuous and aggressive patrol. The findings were controversial and included such data as no significant 56 ________ in reported crime or arrests across the three types of beat and no significant differences in security measures taken by citizens and businesses.


53(A) a    (B) what    (C) which    (D) all

53  (A) 一個    (B) 什麼    (C)哪一個    (D) 所有,任何

54(A) Participated    (B) Funded    (C) Decayed    (D) Erased

54  (A) 參與    (B) 資金補助    (C) 腐蝕    (D) 清除

55(A) behaved    (B) collected    (C) divided    (D) executed

55  (A) 表現出    (B) 收集    (C) 分割    (D) 執行

56(A) deviations    (B) types    (C) models    (D) categories

56  (A) 誤差數值  (B) 形態  (C) 模特   (D) 種類

請依下文回答第 57 題至第 60 題:

The mission of the prison is to protect society by  57  offenders in the  58  environments of prisons that provide work and other self-improvement opportunities to assist offenders in becoming  59  citizens. Prison authorities must ensure that no escapes or disturbances occur in its facilities, and ensure the physical safety of all  60  through the elimination of violence, predatory behavior, gang activity, and drug use.


57(A) confine    (B) confined    (C) confining    (D) being confined

57 (A) 局限   (B) 局限過    (C) 藉著局限……的方式    (D) 被局限

58(A) control    (B) controlled    (C) controlling    (D) being controlled

58 (A) 控制    (B) 被控制   (C) 控制著    (D) 被控制著  

59(A) law-abiding    (B) illegal    (C) criminal    (D) parole

59 (A) 守法    (B) 非法   (C) 刑事    (D) 假釋

60(A) police officers    (B) prosecutors    (C) correctional officers    (D) inmates

60 (A) 警官    (B) 檢察官    (C) 獄警    (D) 監獄室友

以上三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



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