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以下三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析,高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫


103年三等警察特考 專業英文完整解析

甲、申論題部分:(25 分)



In Taiwan, with the civil groups’ efforts for decades, the abolishment of death penalty has become one of the important issues when it comes to human rights. This issue transcends political parties with many discussions but with a few consensuses. The reason is that it involves the core values of morality that concerns fairness, justice, and life dignity.


依據任務的性質及工作的地點,警察有許多不同的種類。請以一篇長約 200 字的短文,敘述你最想當那一種警察,可說明工作性質、須具備何種條件、主要的挑戰或成就等。

   Having watched a Japanese animation “Detective Conan” for decades, I’ve been interested in the process of investigation at the crime scene. Among all the types of police, if I was given an opportunity, I would choose to become an investigator, which would be a great pleasure for me.

   The ultimate goal of an investigator is to resolve a crime and arrest the culprit, so one has to be familiar with some standard operational procedures in various fields. Concerning the professional tasks, one of them is to collect the tangible evidence for further verification and identification. Under this circumstance, knowledge of various subjects like chemistry, biology, and ballistics is necessary for investigators to learn. For instance, shapes and patterns of bloodstains concern the result of investigation analysis. In addition, dropped hairs and fragments of garments would also be crucial clues. Therefore, mastering chemistry and biology would be prior prerequisites for investigators.

   Investigators would spend lots of time doing numerous researches in the labs, I also recommend those who want to become investigators to be resolute enough when carrying out experiments. The process might be monotonous, but it’s a stepping stone that helps you achieve your goal. Just make sure you regard yourself as a challenger after conquering a couple of failures. And finally, the ultimate success would taste sweet!

乙、測驗題部分:(75 分)

41 Lie detector tests are a common part of background checks. More and more companies now require these tests from their _____ employees.

(A) independent    (B) responsible    (C) notorious    (D) potential


(A) 獨立的 (B)負責的 (C)惡名昭彰的 (D)潛在的
42 Since every person has a unique set of fingerprints, fingerprinting has been used by the police to_____ people who have been to certain crime scenes.

(A) disarm    (B) identify    (C) replace    (D) suspend


(A)解除武裝 (B)識別 (C)替代 (D)懸掛,使…停職
43 The news reporters were advised by the police not to put their lives in_____  by moving any closer to the fire scene.

(A) challenge    (B) misdemeanor    (C) deliberation    (D) jeopardy


(A)挑戰 (B)輕罪 (C)深思熟慮 (D)危險
44 In order to_____ what the substance found at the crime scene actually was, the forensic scientist tested it by using different kinds of chemical tools.

(A) represent    (B) determine    (C) calculate    (D) interrupt


(A)代表 (B)確認 (C)計算 (D)阻撓
45 For motorists who do not yield to pedestrians who are walking through a crossing, the is_____ NT$1,200 for scooters and NT$1,800 for cars.

(A) penalty    (B) bail    (C) indictment    (D) warrant


(A)處罰 (B)保釋金 (C)告發 (D)授權
46 The person who took Neil’s daughter and demanded that he pay $8,000,000 for her safe return was caught and _____  of kidnapping.

(A) guaranteed    (B) convicted    (C) released    (D) exchanged


(A)保證 (B)定罪 (C)釋放 (D)交換
47 In justice and law,   ___    is a measure by which a person is confined by the authorities to a certain residence.

(A) home arrest    (B) home stay    (C) house arrest    (D) house stay


(A)(無此用法)(B)待在家中 (C)軟禁 (D)待在屋內
48_____ occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official capacity for personal gain.

(A) Government corruption    (B) Labor trafficking    (C) Money market    (D) Organized crime


(A)政府貪污 (B)勞工販賣 (C)貨幣市場 (D)經過謀劃的犯罪
49 Chances of road accidents can be reduced by_____ the mirrors properly and checking them at least every 15 seconds.

(A) adjusting    (B) transferring    (C) upgrading    (D) decorating


(A)調整 (B)轉移 (C)升級 (D)裝飾
A: What is a _____  ?

B: A briefing prior to the start of a shift where supervisors take attendance, inspect uniforms and equipment, inform the oncoming shift of any outstanding incidents that may have occurred, inform officers of suspects to be looking out for, relate any law or procedural changes, and so on.

(A) roll out    (B) name-calling    (C) roll call    (D) workshop



(A)推出 (B)呼喚名字 (C)點名 (D)工作坊
51 Taiwan is a destination country for women and girls who are trafficked mostly from the People’s Republic of China (P.R.C.) and some from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand for sexual and labor ___   . Women and girls are recruited through fraudulent marriages, deceptive employment offer, and illegal smuggling.

(A) importation    (B) exportation    (C) explosion    (D) exploitation


(A)進口 (B)出口(貨物) (C)爆炸 (D)剝削
52 According to Article 347 of the Criminal Code, a person who kidnaps another for purpose to_____ ransom shall be sentenced to death or life imprisonment or imprisonment for not less than seven years.

(A) excel    (B) expatriate    (C) extract    (D) extort


(A)勝過 (B)驅逐出境 (C)取出 (D)敲詐
53 An investigation relies on the collection of evidence; both direct and circumstantial, along with the interview and _____   of individuals involved in the case. These individuals may be victims, witnesses, or suspects in the incident under investigation.

(A) investment    (B) interference    (C) interrogation    (D) interpretation


(A) 投資 (B)干擾 (C)審問 (D)詮釋
54 It will now be much more difficult for criminals to hide and whitewash in the future. This is the consequence of new rules to fight money _____  which were adopted in the European Parliament by a large majority.

(A) laundering    (B) trafficking    (C) gambling    (D) transaction


(A)洗 (B)作非法買賣 (C)賭博 (D)交易
55 Police have clashed with protestors demanding construction on Taiwan’s fourth nuclear plant be stopped. Police used water _____   early on Monday to disperse thousands of demonstrators blocking a main route in Taiwan’s capital, Taipei.

(A) borough    (B) bullets    (C) cannon    (D) batons

為建設台灣第四核電廠一事藉機抗議的群眾,已被警方壓制。警方在星期五早上用水_______,將那些數以千計的示威群眾一一驅離,他們阻擋了台灣首都當中位於台北主要幹道,(A)行政區 (B)子彈 (C)炮 (D)警棍

請回答第 56 題至第 60 題:

Through the 1800s as professional police departments grew around the United States, women held few positions. Mostly, women served as prison workers taking care of female inmates. Then in 1909 social worker and minister Alice Stebbins Wells pressed Los Angeles to establish a new city ordinance allowing female policewomen. With the support of some influential people, the ordinance was quickly adopted and on September 12, 1910, Wells became the first female policewoman with arrest powers in America. She received a badge, a key to telephone call boxes, a rule book, and a first aid book. Wells even designed and made some of her own tailored uniforms.

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) assigned Wells to patrol public recreation places women and children frequented, such as skating rinks, dance halls, and movie theaters. By October 1912 two other women were added to the staff. By 1916 sixteen other U.S. cities and several foreign countries had hired female police officers. By 1937 the LAPD employed thirty-nine policewomen and their duties expanded to criminal investigations in addition to patrol.

Pressing onward, Wells helped organize the International Policewoman’s Association in 1915 and founded the Women’s Peace Officers Association of California in 1928. In 1914, she was the subject of a biographical film entitled The Policewoman. The University of California created the first course dedicated to the work of female police officers in 1918. After 30 years of service, she retired in 1940 and died in 1957.

在1800年代的美國,正當專業警察局如雨春筍地設立的同時,有少許職位是為著女性而設。多數情況下,女性專門在監獄工作,照顧女犯人。隨後在1909年,一名叫Alice Stebbins Wells的社會工作者,極力勸說洛杉磯政府建立一項新城市法規,使得女性也能當上警察。有了具有影響力的名人支持,該項法規很快就在1910年9月12日正式通過。而Wells這號人物也在美國成為有逮捕犯人權力的女警。她還收到了徽章,電話亭鑰匙,規定手冊,第一急救的書籍等物品。經修改後的制服,甚至是她還親手設計,且自己專屬的。



56 What was the first paragraph mainly about?

(A) Why Ms. Well wanted to be a police officer.

(B) How Ms. Wells became a police officer.

(C) What it was like to be a police officer in the 1800s.

(D) Whom Ms. Wells would turn to when she needed help.





57 What was Ms. Well’s job responsibility when she was first hired?

(A) Teaching at a local college.         

(B) Doing criminal investigation.

(C) Patrolling on the street.            

(D) Working with female inmates.





58 What was the impact of Wells’ appointment?

(A) More female police officers had been hired. 

(B) Street crimes had been drastically reduced.

(C) Policewomen got to design their own uniforms.    

(D) Women felt safer to stay in public places.





59 According to the passage, which of the following statements about Ms. Wells is NOT true?

(A) She was given the power to arrest a suspect.

(B) She was previously trained as a minister.

(C) She was enthusiastic in all kinds of political activities.

(D) She was sworn in by the LAPD on September 12, 1910.





60 What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

(A) The duties of early female officers were more of a social worker.

(B) Women of Well’s time earned less than men did working as police officers.

(C) No one understood how vulnerable to crime women and children could be.

(D) Women like Wells helped pave the way for the female officers of today.






以上三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



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