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以下三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析,高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫


102年三等警察特考 專業英文完整解析

甲、申論題部分:(25 分)




1. The police is conducting an interception on the road in order to search for suspicious vehicles.

2. Drunk-driving is the main cause of traffic accidents in Taiwan. Last year, there were approximately (about) 400 people killed due to drunk driving. 

二、英文作文:請依提示寫一篇文長約 200 字的英文作文。

提示:根據調查結果顯示,在一般民眾心中,警察是份危險的工作,因為警察 在執行公務時,意外狀況太多,難以掌握。請寫一篇文長約 200 字的短 文描述警察工作可能遇到的危險,以及你認為該有的應變之道。

   Indeed, when it comes to the profession of police, its first impression to common people is: being risky. When the police are capturing criminals, they must be equipped with handcuffs, pistols, and so on. Especially when the gangster are nefarious like terrorists holding guns, stronger firearms like submachine guns would be used so as to protect the lives of police themselves. To sum up, I would support them using guns to practice the justice.

   Unlike Taiwan, in the U.S., the American police are allowed to aim at anyone suspicious. Whenever a riot takes place, to suppress the rioters who might endanger the local order and security, the police own some rights to shoot at them at anytime. However, in Taiwan, the reasonable range allowing them to shoot is narrower. Just several months ago, two young police officers lost their lives in the line of duty during a fight with a nefarious gangster. In my opinion, if they had deserved more rights to shoot, they would have been alive now. Obviously, there are some obsolete enactments limiting the usage of guns. Hopefully, the legislature had better enact more mature regulations allowing the police to use guns. Only when the tangible regulations are offered can the police officers judge the optimal moment to use guns. And at last, their lives would be guaranteed.

乙、測驗題部分:(75 分)

41 Chinese tourists are not allowed to visit Taiwan proper when they visit outlying island on single-day travel______, the police said.

(A) agencies    (B) initiatives    (C) commitments    (D) permits


(A)代理機構 (B)主動行動 (C)承諾 (D)許可證
42 Attaining sexual pleasure through sexual activity with prepubescent children is called______.

(A) voyeurism    (B) paraphilia    (C) pedophilia    (D) exhibitionism


(A)窺淫癖 (B)性欲錯亂症 (C)戀童癖 (D)裸露癖
43 A primary objective of the criminal investigation process is to reconstruct events at crime scenes through complete and impartial______.

(A) ridicule    (B) scant    (C) inquiry    (D) instance


(A)取笑 (B)缺乏的 (C)探究 (D)例子
44 The powers of the police to use coercive force are controlled by procedural requirements. Police actions must be _____ to be considered appropriate.

(A) programed    (B) translated    (C) justified    (D) discriminated


(A)為…制定計劃 (B)翻譯 (C)正當化 (D)歧視
45 The young man was taken to the police station because he was found with ______ drugs by the police.

(A) illicit    (B) implicit    (C) solicit    (D) solitary


(A)非法 (B)不清楚的 (C)懇求 (D)孤獨的
46 Peter went to the police______to make a police incident report because his neighbor Ted had been sending letters to harass all the residents in the building.

(A) precinct    (B) district    (C) boundary    (D) territory


(A)管轄區 (B)區域 (C)邊界 (D)領土
47 In many instances, information about past crimes and active criminals can be obtained by skillful______.

(A) ingestion    (B) hypothesis    (C) outlook    (D) interrogation


(A)消化 (B)假說 (C)觀點 (D)審問
48 The police tried to______protesters during a demonstration in Miaoli County against a wind turbine project by German wind power company.

(A) eliminate    (B) dispel    (C) deliberate    (D) discard


(A)刪除 (B)驅散 (C)深思熟慮的 (D)扔掉
49 Due to the rise in the number of______committed in the area, the house price of this district has dropped a lot in the past 6 months.

(A) immigration    (B) detection    (C) burglaries    (D) dispatches


(A)移民 (B)偵測 (C)搶劫案 (D)派遣
50 Individuals who are knowingly involved in the supply, prescription, delivery, storage and display of counterfeit and controlled drugs could______imprisonment of up to seven years, plus a fine of up to NT$5 million, the law stipulates.

(A) be tantamount to    (B) be accustomed to    (C) be object to    (D) be subject to


(A)相當於 (B)適用於 (C)(無此用法) object to 反對 (D)受制於
51 About 20 people were arrested and were transferred to the District prosecutor’s office; an______has been issued against 14 of the protesters.

(A) enforcement    (B) innovation    (C) induction    (D) injunction


(A)執法 (B)革新 (C)就職儀式 (D)禁令
52 The townsmen were relieved when the media reported the______of the terrorists in the early hours of this morning.

(A) coercion    (B) compensation    (C) apprehension    (D) assault


(A)迫使 (B)賠償 (C)逮捕 (D)攻擊

Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev, who both came to the US from Kazakhstan, were charged with conspiring to  53  justice by concealing and destroying evidence. Robel Philipos, who graduated from a Cambridge, Massachusettes, high school with Tsarnaev, was charged with lying to investigators about the visit to Tsarnaev’s room. According to FBI  54  , just hours after surveillance camera photos of the Boston Marathon suspects were flashed around the world on April 18, Tsarnaev’s friends  55  he was one of the bombers and removed the backpack along with a laptop from Tsarnaev’s room at the university of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. At a court appearance, the Kazakh students did not request  56  and will be held for another hearing on May 14.

Azamat Tazhayakov和Dias Kadyrbayev這兩個人從哈薩克前來美國,被控藉著藏匿和銷燬證據的方式,53________警方行使正義。和高中同學Tsarnaev從劍橋,馬薩諸塞等學校畢業後,Robel Philipos,對於拜訪Tsarnaev房間的事情,向檢察官撒謊,因而被控告。根據FBI的54________,在波士頓馬拉松的行為檢測照片中,閃光燈照出的嫌犯,已在四月18日散播到全世界。Tsarnaev的朋友,55________他就是炸彈客其中一員,也懷疑他在Dartmouth地區中的馬薩諸塞大學內,Tsarnaev本人從房間內將揹包隨同筆記本電腦帶去別的地點。最後在法庭內,哈薩克學生並未要求將他56_______,之後還要在五月14日,再次進行審訊。

53(A) extort    (B) obstruct    (C) obtrude    (D) invade

(A) 敲詐    (B) 阻礙    (C) 強迫   (D) 入侵

54(A) exposure    (B) submission    (C) account    (D) probation

(A)暴露  (B)臣服 (C)解釋,描述 (D)緩刑

55(A) inspected    (B) respected    (C) prospected    (D) suspected

(A)審查 (B)尊重 (C)勘察 (D)懷疑

56(A) bail    (B) escort    (C) detention    (D) exhumation

(A)保釋 (B)護送 (C)拘留 (D)挖掘

An emergency call comes in about a possible bomb in lower Manhattan and an alert pops up on computer screens at the New York Police Department, instantly showing officers an interactive map of the neighborhood, footage from nearby security cameras, whether there are high radiation levels and whether any other threats have been made against the city. In a click, police know exactly what they’re getting into. Such a hypothetical scenario may seem like something out of a futuristic crime drama, but the technology is real, developed in a partnership between America’s largest police department and Microsoft Corp., and the latest version has been quietly in use for about a year. The project could pay off in more ways than one: The NYPD could make tens of millions of dollars under an unprecedented marketing deal that allows Microsoft to sell the system to other law enforcement agencies and civilian companies around the world. The city will get a 30 percent cut. The Domain Awareness System, known as the dashboard, gives easy access to the police department’s voluminous arrest records, emergency calls, more than 3,000 security cameras citywide, license plate readers and portable radiation detectors — data that raises privacy concerns for some civil liberties groups. But the dashboard system mines existing tools and doesn’t create any new surveillance. Right now, it is used only in NYPD offices, mostly in the counterterrorism unit. Eventually, the system could supply crime-fighting information in real time to officers on laptops in their squad cars and on mobile devices while they walk the beat.


57 What is the article mainly about?

(A) The NYPD has demonstrated a good use of technology in their security maintenance work.

(B) The NYPD has found a way to increase their budget.

(C) The NYPD and Microsoft Corp. are in good terms.

(D) The Domain Awareness System is the key to countering cyber crimes in New York.





58 Based on the article, what would NOT happen if an emergent call reaches a policeman of the NYPD who is using the dashboard?

(A) An interactive map of the neighborhood would show on computer screen.

(B) An alert would pop on computer screen.

(C) The arrest records of lower Manhattan would show on computer screen.

(D) Footage from nearby security cameras would show on computer screen.





59 Why could the project of the dashboard pay off in more than one way?

(A) Microsoft would donate their profit to the city of New York.

(B) The NYPD could get much income from the sales the system.

(C) The project of the dashboard would also lead to futuristic crime drama business.

(D) The project of the dashboard would bring cooperation with civilian companies.





60 Based on the article, which of the following statements is true?

(A) The current dashboard system raises security concerns for some political groups.

(B) The current dashboard system is used in all Manhattan police officer departments.

(C) It takes a lot of time for the system to supply crime fighting information.

(D) The current dashboard system uses the tools and data available to the NYPD.






以上三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



2024 06 30 下午7.53.05
2024 06 30 下午7.54.08