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以下三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析,高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫


101年三等警察特考 專業英文完整解析

甲、申論題部分:(25 分)




1. For the sake of security, please pay attention to the moving speed and traffic regulations (rules) while you’re riding a scooter. (motorcycle).

2. Having tracked down the drugs for many days, the police finally found massive drugs in the motel.

二、英文作文:(15 分)

提示:請寫一篇文長約 200 字的短文說明警察應如何建立親和的形象。

    Although the police have been valiant in maintaining the justice, the seemingly “violence” used to apprehend gangsters might mistakenly leave somewhat negative impression to people, especially to kids! To let them know that the police are not stern and cold-blooded, it would be necessary to rebuild a new image to them by showing that they are friendly.

    One of good strategies for the police is to enter the campus of primary schools. However, the younger the police are, the better it would be. In the eyes of children, the police should behave like older brothers and sisters. For example, they may tell stories about how to catch notorious villains. They may also bring some small amiable police dogs. After all, few children would resist to get close to them. By describing the contents how these pets work, children would finally understand the friendly nature of police, and they would not fear uniformed police in the parks. In front of the children, the police have to emphasize that their mission is to arrest evil malefactors who try to harm the innocent children. By showing them the significance of guarding role, the children would be more likely to trust the police. Finally, the positive image would be founded in a community.

乙、測驗題部分:(75 分)

41 Mary told the police that her purse was snatched on the street after she was struck on the head. Mary was a victim of ________.

(A) domestic violence    (B) sexual assault    (C) mugging    (D) pickpocket


(A)家暴 (B)性侵犯 (C)自背後襲擊並搶劫 (D)扒手
42 Simply defined, ________is information that has been analyzed and refined so that it is useful to policymakers in making decisions—specifically, decisions about potential threats to our national security.

(A) intelligence    (B) instrument    (C) implementation    (D) improvement


(A)智慧,情報工作 (B)儀器 (C)實行 (D)改進
43 The Office of ________at the National Police Agency, led by a head prosecutor, is in charge of the investigation of corruption accusation against police officers.

(A) Inspectors    (B) Internal Affairs    (C) Investigators    (D) Personnel


(A)檢查員,巡官 (B)內政 (C)調查員 (D)全體人員
44 DNA ________or typing is sometimes called DNA fingerprinting because it allows police to identify an individual in the same way as fingerprints do.

(A) sampling    (B) shifting    (C) profiling    (D) proliferating


(A)採集樣本 (B)轉換 (C)罪犯特徵分析 (D)增殖
45 Local police departments report using computers for a variety of ________functions, including records management, crime investigation, information sharing, and dispatch.

(A) law enforcement    (B) finger printing    (C) money laundry    (D) cyber bullying


(A)法律相關執行 (B)進行指紋法 (C)洗錢 (D)網路霸凌
46 The police advise the motorcyclist to have an external lock and have the engine numbers _________ on the motorcycle for greater protection.

(A) engulfed    (B) engrossed    (C) enhanced    (D) engraved


(A)吞噬 (B)全身灌注 (C)加強 (D)雕刻
47 Even though Li Fei was caught red-handed at the scene of murder, he remains _______ until proven guilty.

(A) suspicious    (B) innocent    (C) incurable    (D) furious


(A)可疑 (b)無辜 (C)不可治療的 (D)憤怒
48 Detective Wang: How much _______do the kidnappers want? Detective Lee: They want two million by tomorrow or they will kill the hostage.

(A) ranger    (B) rankle    (C) random    (D) ransom



(A)突擊隊員 (B)化膿 (C)隨機 (D)贖金
49 When responding to a domestic violence case, the police can escort the victim to a ________ to ensure the victim’s safety.

(A) safe haven    (B) safety net    (C) sagacity    (D) shelter


(A)安全避風港 (B)安全網 (C)睿智 (D)庇護場所
50 Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States. He is the first African-American to hold the office, while his predecessors are all _______Americans.

(A) native    (B) Republican    (C) Caucasian    (D) Democratic


(A)本土的 (B)共和黨的 (C)有白種血統的 (D)民主黨的
51 As a foreigner working in Taiwan, I need to apply for an ARC in order to stay here legally. The ARC is:

(A) Authorized Resident Certificate       (B) Alien Resident Certificate

(C) Automated Resident Certificate       (D) Amateur Resident Certificate


(A)已授權的居民證 (B)外僑居留證 (C)自動化居民證 (D)業餘居民證
52 To preserve physiological fluids evidence, _______hard objects such as guns, rocks, metals, etc. should not be frozen or refrigerated as subsequent condensation may dilute or otherwise impact the fluids evidence on them.

(A) smoldered    (B) forensic    (C) traumatic    (D) stained


(A)受悶燒的 (B)法醫 (C)創傷的 (D)受玷污的
53 According to the police and procedure manual, in cases where a person is arrested or ________for assaulting an on-duty or off-duty officer, a sworn supervisor of the rank of lieutenant or above shall be notified.

(A) prohibited    (B) obtained    (C) detained    (D) released


(A)禁止 (B)獲取 (C)拘留 (D)釋放
54 In all field situations where more than two officers are present, the senior officer of the first unit at the scene shall be in charge until officially ________.

(A) promoted    (B) relieved    (C) retired    (D) dismayed


(A)推廣 (B)解除職務,減輕 (C)退休 (D)驚慌
55 Violent crime such as rape is very sensitive by nature and is thus often not reported to authorities for fear of secondary ________.

(A) prosecution    (B) forgery    (C) parole    (D) victimization


(A)迫害 (B)鑄造 (C)假釋 (D)傷害
56 According to the statistics released by the crime prevention unit, vehicles thought to be stolen are often, in fact, towed due to parking _________or repossessed due to lack of payment.

(A) violations    (B) meters    (C) lots    (D) services


(A)違反 (B)公尺 (C)好幾塊的地 (D)服務

請回答第 57 題至第 60 題:

From the mid-1990s, “intelligence” has increasingly displaced “community” in policing discourses. In the United Kingdom, this has been the case since 1993 when the Audit Commission proposed a new policing model centered on police-informant relationships. Since then, Chief Police Officers have adopted the language of “intelligence-led policing” to describe police services. In essence, intelligence-led policing involves linking together information from a wide range of sources–from open source and publicly available information to that obtained covertly in order to build up a composite picture. This will highlight links between people, objects, locations and events that are essential in supporting the policing purposes described. Identifying these links enables decisions to be made about priorities and resources needed to manage risk. There was, however, a problem during the latter part of the 1990s when the relationship between intelligence-led and community policing remained unclear. The Home Office and Chief Police Officers touted both simultaneously. As local police units were increasingly empowered to address local problems, Chief Police Officers were also touting an intelligence-led approach that required police to develop and tap into local informant sources. These strategies appeared disparate and even contradictory. The intelligence-led approach seemed appropriate for addressing major cases involving drug trafficking or terrorism whereas many considered community policing to be appropriate for addressing local issues. As a result, constables have generally sustained a reactive style inconsistent with either model. It was not until the turn of the millennium that the National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) proposed the National Intelligence Model (NIM)–a single intelligence-led approach at “nearly” all levels of policing. While there has been some recent discussion of reintegrating community policing and the NIM through neighborhood safety initiatives and the hiring of reassurance police officers in the past half-decade, community policing has taken a secondary role to intelligence-led approaches.


57 What is the main idea of the passage above?

(A) The United Kingdom attempts to introduce the intelligence-led policing approach to the world.

(B) Linking together information from a wide range of sources is the key to successful policing.

(C) It is important to strike a balance between the intelligence-led policing model and the community policing model.

(D) Intelligence-led policing has gradually become the dominant approach to policing in the United Kingdom.




(C)要在“以情報機關主導的方法” 和“社區內維持治安方法”間找到平衡點很重要。

58 What does the pronoun “This” with underline refer to?

(A) The Chief Police Office

(B) The Audit Commission

(C) The adoption of intelligence-led policing approach

(D) The open source and publicly available information





59 When was the concept of intelligence-led policing introduced to the police in the United Kingdom?

(A) Around the year 2000.    (B) In the latter part of 1990s.    (C) In 1993.    (D) In 2010.





60 Which of the following is the most likely reason for the constables to assume a reactive policing style?

(A) The authorities gave them confusing policies.

(B) They did not think the intelligence-led approach would work.

(C) They were already fully occupied with their policing responsibilities.

(D) There were too many levels in the chain of command.






以上三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



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