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以下三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析,高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫


100年三等警察特考 專業英文完整解析

甲、申論題部分:(25 分)




1. Go along this road(way), take the first right turn, and you’ll see Taiwan Police College on the left.

2. If you lose your passport, please report us immediately. And then contact with your embassy or any foreign institutes locating in Taiwan so that you may apply for a new passport.



   When it comes to administrative police, they often make people think of these riding on police motorcycles or driving police vehicles. Actually, the range of administrative police officers is so wide that it can be categorized into several types. Among them, patrolling and raiding are the main tasks, which I would briefly introduce in the following paragraphs.

    Patrolling may give the public a great sense of security. With this type of task carried out frequently, anyone who intend to initiate a criminal misdeed would give up their evil plans. Even there are some corners without being illuminated, with some boxes where papers are used for signatures for the police are placed, squads of police would reach these locations. During the process, if the police could be wisely distributed, the rate of crimes would be lowered. However, not every seemingly task of patrolling is smooth. There might be some occasions full of risks when some daring gangsters attempt to challenge the police. If an attempted crime is about to take place, it would be the police’s time to effectually arrest the gangsters. It would be a challenge to apprehend the gangsters without being injured or killed in the hazardous combats. Therefore, in addition to the fundamental equipment like handcuffs and pistols, martial arts are one of the core professions every police officer has to be trained physically, such as wrestling and other techniques to subduing malicious gangsters.

    If the entire police are adept in these skills, they not only curb any possibilities of potential crimes, but also protect their own lives and safety. When the police try to raid a certain venue, they would know how to handle the unpredictable and hazardous situations. If they insist on enhancing these skills, people in a community would highly respect them, ensuring great safety to the residence where they live.

乙、測驗題部分:(75 分)

41 I have to issue a traffic violation citation to you because you drive at ________ speed.

(A)excessive   (B)excellent   (C)normal   (D)wonderful


(A)過度的 (B)很棒的 (C)普通的 (D)很棒的
42 A team of FBI agents, the same ones who specialize in helping local police       serial killers, are using their expertise in behavioral profiling to target white-collar criminals.

(A)track down   (B)run across   (C)see through   (D)turn loose


(A)追查 (B) 偶然撞見 (C)看穿 (D)放手
43 In court cases, forensic scientists, also referred to as expert      , often present and explain the evidence discovered, which plays a crucial role in a conviction or dismissal.

(A)defendants   (B)witnesses   (C)chemists   (D)toxicologists


(A)被告人 (B)目擊者 (C)化學家 (D)毒物學家
44 Besides its ability to settle paternity issues, DNA _____ technology can also be used to help solve criminal cases.

(A)fingerprinting   (B)jurisdiction   (C)morphology   (D)retrieval


(A)指紋鑑別法 (B)司法權 (C)構詞學 (D)撤回
45 A controversial Arizona sheriff known for taking a hard line against illegal immigrants has been       some of his powers in what he described as a political move by the Obama administration.

(A)stripped off   (B)struck off   (C)stretched out   (D)swept away


(A)剝奪 (B)刪去 (C)伸長 (D)橫掃
46 To use an automated teller machine (ATM), you need to insert your bank card and then enter a set of       number.

(A)phone   (B)seat   (C)even   (D)PIN


(A)電話 (B)座位 (C)就算 (D)個人識別碼
47 The police arrested a _____ driver who escaped from the car accident.

(A)come-and-go   (B)give-and-take   (C)hit-and-run   (D)drive-and-escape


(A)來來去去 (B)給予和接受 (C)肇事逃逸 (D)(無特定意思)
48 When coming home late at night, Jean was _____ by someone who rode a scooter and had a little bit of injury caused by this incident.

(A)attracted   (B)interviewed   (C)mugged   (D)persuaded


(A)吸引 (B)採訪 (C)從背後襲擊並搶劫(D)說服
49 ________! This is police! Drop your weapon and you are under arrest!

(A)Jump   (B)Freeze   (C)Move   (D)Check


(A)跳起來(B)別動(C)展開行動 (D)檢查
50 The suspect was       by the police about the whereabouts of his wife because he was involved in a domestic violence case.

(A)complained   (B)convinced   (C)irritated   (D)interrogated


(A)理解 (B)說服 (C)惹怒 (D)審問
51 Problem-oriented policing is the latest in the line of intellectual efforts to try to bring order to what is, by its very nature, a(n) ______ aspect of human life.

(A)romantic   (B)chaotic   (C)idealistic   (D)economic


(A)浪漫的 (B)混亂的 (C)理想的 (D)經濟的
52 Surveys show that the police do not always understand young people’s needs; therefore, well intentioned  ___    can sometimes have negative consequences.

(A)prevention   (B)prosecution   (C)intervention   (D)victimization


(A)假裝 (B)起訴 (C)干預,干涉 (D)受害

Recently, the Kaohsiung police department and the Bureau of Investigation cracked the biggest data-theft case ever to have hit Taiwan, involving the leaking of personal information on more than 10 million individuals. This   53   has not only seriously affected public and financial order, but has also shown that Taiwan’s data security system needs a thorough overhaul. 

The Kaohsiung police discovered that personal data on more than 10 million individuals had been sold by Y. L. International Marketing Corporation to various   54   syndicates. The suspects confessed that more than ten criminal gangs had bought the data to send out fraudulent letters and text messages telling people that they had won prizes. Following a six-month investigation, the Kaohsiung field office of the Bureau of Investigation   55   a large-scale search of dozens of offices of a major telecommunication company and credit information agencies throughout Taiwan. The southern field office of the Criminal Investigation Bureau and mobile inspection units of the South Coast Guard Bureau   56   large amounts of client data and telephone monitoring tapes. They also summoned more than 30 people for questioning.


高雄警方發現到,這起涉及一千萬人口的個人資料,已賣給了Y. L. 的國際銷售公司,且又轉給了各種的54_______集團。嫌犯承認出有十個以上的黑幫,已手持相關檔案,再以詐騙信和文字信息的方式,告訴人們中了大獎。經過六個月的調查後,調查局在高雄的分部接著針對台灣遍地的信用資訊社,以及主要電訊公司的數個辦公室,55________了大規模的搜索。最後,內政部警政署刑事警察局的南區分部,以及行政院海洋委員會海巡署的行動搜查組,已56_______了大量客戶資料和電話監聽錄音帶。他們也傳喚了30名人士進行審問。

53 (A)scandal   (B)investigation   (C)setback   (D)investment

(A)醜聞  (B)調查   (C)挫折  (D)投資

54 (A)marine   (B)fraud   (C)banking   (D)underwriting

(A)海洋的   (B)詐騙  (C)銀行業務   (D)投資

55 (A)consisted   (B)condensed   (C)condemned   (D)conducted

(A)包含   (B)密集的  (C)譴責   (D)主導

56 (A)seized   (B)decided   (C)contracted   (D)featured

(A)截取   (B)經決定的  (C)定契約的  (D)以…作為特色

The devolution of immigration policing authority from the federal to local governments represents a sharp break with a long-established tradition of federal control over all aspects of immigration enforcement. In the past, state and local police forces played only a supportive role in immigration affairs, sometimes sharing information about those they had detained as criminal suspects or assisting in enforcement actions. The federal government could not require local governments to do immigration policing. Police powers were constitutionally reserved for the states and their jurisdictional subunits, an arrangement that provided localities with significant flexibility and autonomy. However, with the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA) and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA), the federal government has created an opening for localities to ask their police officers to be trained by and to join the federal government in enforcing immigration laws within the interior of the United States. Thus, beginning in 2002, informal working relationships between local police and federal immigration agents have developed. For example, some local police departments are now seeking formal training from federal immigration authorities. Federal agents are also embedded in some police departments to assist in enforcement of drug and human smuggling laws. A number of state prisons and local jails send the names of criminal suspects to federal authorities to be checked for immigration violations. And an increasing number of police departments are electing to do their own immigration status checks. Such an increased involvement of state and local police departments in immigrant affairs has given rise to what some observers are calling “immigration federalism.”


57 What is the passage mainly about?

(A)The importance of cooperation between federal and local governments in immigration affairs.

(B)The enhanced role of local governments in immigration policing.

(C)The impact of new immigration policies on foreign affairs.

(D)The decline of the U.S. federal government.





58 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

(A)The IIRIRA prohibits local authorities from checking the status of immigrants.

(B)Sharing immigrant information between federal and local authorities had been a long-established tradition before 2002.

(C)Before the AEDPA and IIRIRA, local governments enjoyed more freedom from federal control and influence.

(D)Before 2002, state police departments were required to cooperate with federal authorities in investigating immigration cases.





59 What does the underlined pronoun “they” refer to?

(A)Suspects detained by the state and local police forces.

(B)Undocumented immigrants.

(C)The federal law enforcement agents.

(D)The state and local police forces.





60 What may the term “immigration federalism” (last line) most likely mean?

(A)Sharing of powers on immigration between the federal and state governments.

(B)All the immigration agents in the U.S.

(C)Immigrants coming from all parts of the world.

(D)The sole legitimate federal authority in immigration policing.






以上三等內軌警察專業英文完整解析 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



2024 06 30 下午7.53.05
2024 06 30 下午7.54.08