


以下三等內軌消防警察專業英文完整解析,高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫


111年三等消防特考 專業英文完整解析


一、中譯英:(10 分)


If you accidentally get lost during a hiking activity, you should locate the coordinate of the place where you are by using GPS. Next, tell the rescuers about your situation with your mobile phone and satellite phone. If the above instruments are not with you, look for a place of evacuation where you don’t need to get exposed to the rain and the wind, and then wait for the rescue. 

二、英文作文:(15 分)

根據內政部調查,97 至 106 年建築物火災死亡人數 1,070 人,其中獨立住宅死亡 558 人最多,占 52.1%;集合住宅 185 人次之,占 17.3%,合計占 69.4%。為降低住宅火災死亡人數,內政部於 107 年 4 月 20日頒布「住宅防火對策 2.0」。請寫一篇 200 字左右的短文。文分兩段:第一段說明造成住宅火災的原因,第二段說明民眾應注意那些防火要點,以確保居家消防安全。

    According to the statistics carried out by the National Fire Agency, there are two major causes of fire accidents in residential constructions. The first is improper use of electrical appliances and overheated stoves. Electrical fires happen due to the overloaded electrical circuits. Once short circuit is caused, flames would be generated from the plugs. On the other hand, when residents need to wait for a couple of minutes until some dishes are fully cooked, they would leave the kitchen temporarily, leaving the pots and cauldrons overheated. Finally, flames would be generated after pots and cauldrons have been boiled more than a couple of minutes

   To avoid these crises, residents are responsible for absorbing the knowledge of fire prevention promoted by firefighters. Concerning the usage of electrical appliances, residents have to remind themselves to prevent the sockets from being overloaded with many plugs. When television sets, vacuum cleaners, and computers are not used, residents had better to unplug these electrical appliances. As for the kitchenware involved in fire, residents need to focus on the current status of the stove at all time. Falling asleep and leaving the kitchen would leave the stoves unattended, and the potential fires would bring about a tragedy. Just bear in mind that these principles would save both your lives and property.


41 A well-designed _______can help people travel quickly from any location in a building to a safe place in the event of a safety emergency.

(A) fire extinguisher(B)evacuation route (C)foam nozzle (D) life detector


(A)滅火器 (B)逃生路線 (C)泡沫噴嘴 (D)生命探測儀

42 When a _______fire occurs, you are strongly advised to turn off the heat immediately and put a lid back on the frying pan to prevent a kitchen fire from growing into greater blaze.

(A) grease(B)bush (C)vehicle (D) garbage


(A)油(類) (B)灌木叢 (C)車輛 (D)垃圾

43 First _______refer to those professionals who are the first line of defense against disasters. They are among the first to arrive at the scene of an emergency and provide assistance to examine, analyze, weigh up, and cope with the hazardous situations. EMT is a case in point.

(A) aids(B)correspondents (C)commanders (D) responders


(A) 支援 (B)通信人員 (C)指揮官 (D)回應人員

44 Carrying out a rapid and correct ________of how the fire will affect the construction components of the buildings on the fire ground is a crucial skill for firefighters.

(A) treatment(B)handling (C)assessment (D) suppression


(A)治療 (B)操作 (C)評估 (D)抑制

45 EMTs were using the automated external defibrillators (AEDs) at the scene to revive people suffering from ________.

(A) bone fracture(B)asthma (C)cardiac arrest (D) food poisoning


(A)骨折 (B)氣喘 (C)心臟驟停 (D)食物中毒

46 Sleeping with the bedroom door closed may help ________in case of fire, keeping smoke and flames out of your room for a while and gaining more time to get to safety.

(A) segregate(B)compartmentalize (C)separate (D) quarantine


(A)分離 (B)分隔 (C)分開 (D)隔離

47 The authorities concerned have announced that traffic will be ________through the side streets while the main road is resurfaced.

(A) deterred(B)diverted (C)obsessed (D) oppressed


(A)威懾 (B)分流 (C)迷戀 (D)壓迫

48 These strategies adopted in the remaining chapters are reminiscent________ not new at all; they are of those we’ve already seen for decades.

(A) tedious(B)tentative (C)respective (D) reminiscent


(A)單調的 (B)暫時的 (C)個別的 (D)有懷舊氣息的

49 Though she was comparatively young and inexperienced, she showed much ________and was promoted to manager after a year.

(A) hostility(B)initiative (C)monopoly (D) expenditure


(A)敵意 (B)積極性 (C)壟斷 (D)開支

50 A succession of scandals and controversies has seriously ________the government’s prestige over the past few year.

(A) certified(B)navigated (C)acclaimed (D) undermined


(A)證實 (B)導航 (C)給予…高度評價 (D)摧毀

請依下文回答第 51 題至第 55 題

Backdrafts are of great danger. They often 51________ even highly experienced firefighters. A backdraft can occur when a compartment fire has little or no 52________ . Due to this, little or no oxygen can flow into the compartment. Then, because fires 53________ oxygen, the oxygen concentration decreases. When the

concentration becomes too low 54________ to support combustion, this may cause a phenomenon in which when material is heated enough, it begins to break down into smaller compounds, including hydrogen. However, the hydrogen and smoke remain at a hot 55________ enough to auto-ignite. If oxygen is then re-introduced to the compartment, e.g. by opening a door or window to a closed room, while the gasses are still hot enough to auto-ignite, combustion will often restart abruptly.



51 (A) mourn(B)revere (C)delight (D) surprise

(A)哀悼 (B)尊敬 (C)使…感到欣喜 (D)使…嚇一跳

52 (A) existence(B)obligation (C)ventilation (D) manipulation

(A)存在 (B)義務 (C)通風 (D)操縱

53 (A) reduce(B)promote (C)provoke (D) strengthen

(A)減少 (B)推廣 (C)挑釁 (D)加強

54 (A) low(B)filled (C)dense (D) flooded

(A)低 (B)充滿的 (C)稠密 (D)淹水的

55 (A) prosperity(B)temperature (C)significance (D) resistance

(A)繁榮 (B)溫(度)(C)重要性 (D)抵抗

請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題

More often, people have heard about PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) in the context of war, with combat -exposed veterans. While combat veterans often return to the normality of the civilian life after deployment, the job of firefighters, police officers and emergency medical services workers involves regular, routine exposure to all types of traumas, for years and decades of their careers.

Research shows that 20% of firefighters pass the diagnostic threshold for PTSD at some point in their career. The symptoms developed include frequent nightmares, flashbacks, avoiding reminders of trauma and being easily startled. Depression, anxiety, and substance use are the consequences caused by cumulative trauma exposure.

The problem-solving and “being in charge” work attitude that is a strength of firefighters can sometimes become a barrier in seeking help, as they might see vulnerability as a sign of failure. It is often heard from firefighters the feeling of shame and worries that others might see them as weak for sharing and discussing the traumatic experience they have being through. Consequently, firefighters’ tough work ceases to be the conversation topic at their family dinner table.

   Left unaddressed, trauma and chronic stress can lead to not only mental health consequences but also physical illness. Fortunately, serious efforts are being made to spread awareness and fight stigma related to mental health. A variety of programs are launched to fight stigma by explaining the mechanisms of trauma and stress in the body and brain. This approach can also reframe these traumatic experiences as vulnerability rather than weakness. The “don’t quit” mentality of firefighters can be shifted toward encouraging fighting the mental health consequences of trauma, instead of avoiding and denying it.





56 Which of the following is the most suitable title for this article?

(A) The Danger of Substance Use

(B)The Unhappy Marriage of a Firefighter

(C)Beating Back Vulnerability

(D) Facing Up to PTSD






57 What does “substance use” mean in this article?

(A) Drug or alcohol dependence

(B)Using violence

(C)Impulse buying

(D) Using bad language






58 “Being in charge” work attitude in this article means that firefighters are usually asked to _________on the fire ground.

(A) boss people around

(B)take complete control of the situation

(C)feel pleased about what they are doing

(D) leave the fire engine on charge






59 Which of the following statements is TRUE?

(A)When firefighters concede they are traumatized by what they have been through, they are admitting defeat.

(B) Sharing painful experience is tantamount to whining, so it is the last thing a brave firefighter should do.

(C) Combat veterans are more vulnerable to PTSD than firefighters, and the consequences are usually far more serious.

(D)Firefighters are advised to confront PTSD with the same courage and determination with which they beat back fire on the fire ground.






60 When we say “there is a social stigma attached to PTSD,” it means there is a strong feeling in society that PTSD is something to be __________.

(A) ashamed of(B)proud of (C)taken into account (D) complied wit






以上三等內軌消防警察專業英文完整解析 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



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